lord to yeah-vowels
replaces the word lord with the word yeah-vowels, reflecting the consonant-vowel relativity of the name yhwh/ihoh/yeah-wow-ah...
0 users
Makes your user agent GNU/Linux instead of just Linux
0 users
The AbilityWare web accessibility plugin is a now also a Firefox extension that helps make the web more accessible for everyone. With just one click, users can adjust the contrast, font size and so much more of any website to meet their personal need
0 users
Cross-Language Research Tool
Conduct research across multiple languages in real-time.
0 users
Text Sync German
Sync and adjust your German text for better formatting and consistency.
0 users
First letter of every word is transformed to UPPERCASE.
0 users
장애자 타이핑 서비스 베타판
장애자, 불구자들의 타이핑을 보조해주는 친근한 프로그램
0 users
Lingo Swap
Replaces selected text with slang expressions, adding a playful twist to your writing.
0 users
KISS Dictionary
A minimalist select word translation extension
0 users
Emoji Pickers
New Emoji keyboard you can add to your browser
0 users
Text Revealer
Reveal deeper information about text you highlight on a web page. When text is selected, a popover displays useful details about the text such as: Wikipedia entries, Dictionary definitions, and more to come.
0 users
RecallV: Personal Cloud Vault
RecallV is a Firefox browser extension that intelligently captures, annotates, and helps users search through their open browser sessions. It provides a powerful tool for managing and retrieving browsing history, open tabs, and associated annotations
0 users
German Syntax Fixer
Identify and correct errors in German texts with this fast grammar tool.
0 users
Remplace le mot SEUM par le drapeau de la belgique
0 users
MDBG Audio Download
Monitors for Audio files on MDBG and prompts for download, preserving original filenames
0 users
Converts mistyped Fa text to En text and vice versa
0 users
FF URL Launcher
Gestion d'url avec variable
0 users
Enhances vocabulary learning by highlighting and explaining advanced words based on user's proficiency level
0 users
Penghitung Kata
Penghitung Kata adalah alat penghitung jumlah kata dalam teks bahasa Indonesia secara akurat dan cepat langsung di peramban Anda. Ideal untuk penulis, pelajar, dan profesional yang membutuhkan analisis teks instan.
0 users
Use your keyboard in Mondly.
0 users
한국인 개발자들의 메뉴얼의 사용성을 향상시켜주는 플러그인 입니다. php, 라라벨, 코드이그나이터, 컴포저에 대한 한글과 영문문서의 이동버튼을 생성해줍니다.
0 users
baybayin 2.0
The web written in baybayin: a pre-colonial FilipinX indigenous writing system. This extensions swaps English letters for baybayin syllables. As the current web isn't really setup to process pre-colonial scripting, the results can be unpredictable.
0 users
English to Bangla Translator
Set your free API key and Translate selected English text to Bangla
0 users
Pokemon Anglais vers Francais
Ajoute les traductions françaises des noms de Pokémon en anglais
0 users
[Experimento lingüístico] Elimina todas las tildes diacríticas de las páginas web en español que visites.
0 users