ابوظلام لتحويل يوتيوب الى mp3
"تحويل YouTube إلى MP3" هي إضافة بسيطة لمتصفح Firefox تتيح لك تحويل مقاطع فيديو YouTube إلى ملفات MP3 بسهولة. بنقرة واحدة على زر التحويل، يمكنك نسخ رابط الفيديو تلقائيًا وفتحه في موقع تحويل MP3، مما يوفر الوقت ويجعل عملية التحويل أكثر سلاسة.
5 users
Easily copy and paste the song title, album, or artist from the Spotify track webpage
5 users
Simple Video Speed Controller
Automatically adjust video speed on any website.
5 users
Adds support for gifv/webm/mp4 to discussions on github.com Homepage: https://github.com/qrohlf/GifHub
5 users
TikTok Background Runner
Runs TikTok in the background.
5 users
Soundpilot Plus - SoundCloud player
Adds a simple SoundCloud player to the toolbar. Play, pause, next, previous and like commands, all without touching your Soundcloud tab. Forked from the original open source Soundpilot by Luciano Cardoso.
5 users
Spotify (Pin Tab)
Switch to Spotify (Pin Tab) with a single click or a Hot Key (Alt+S)!
5 users
Make YT Thumbnails Rectangles
Removes YT thumbnail's rounded corners
5 users
Yandex Music Control
Allows controlling Yandex Music player with media keys by integrating it with Media Session API.
5 users
An add skipper for youtube, this doesn't block ads directly it meerly skips them by automatically clicking, and moving you to the end of an add
5 users
YouTube Progress Tab
YouTube tab icon now matches the progress bar so you can easily find in-progress videos.
5 users
Jojo Alphabet
Jojo Alphabet - send a picture from jojo that corresponds to a certain letter.
5 users
Image Collector
Collects images from the current tab and displays them in a popup.
5 users
YouTube Speed Controller
Use YouTube's video speed control on any website.
5 users
Transform your browsing with OpenGPT.com Firefox Extension: AI at your fingertips for instant info, creative help, and task management. Quick article summarization, email, and content creation. Experience AI-powered web interaction seamlessly.
5 users
YouTube Video Incognito
Makes videos act as incognito by removing cookies and reloading pages if they were navigated via the History API. This disables the anti-adblock feature.
5 users
5 users
LoR Un-Kitten
A quick workaround to keep the kittens busy and get LoR working again until LoR fixes things on their end. "LoR Un-Kitten" is also available for Google Chrome. Note: This addon/extension and it's creators are not affiliated with ListenOnRepeat.
5 users
Timed Mute
After X amount of time mute the tab.
5 users
Vidio Immersive Mode
Browser extension for Vidio.com, watch Live and VOD content in windowed fullscreen mode
5 users
Video Snapshot
Display a snapshot of a YouTube video with Cmd-Opt-S. Click anywhere to dismiss.
5 users
MLB TV Improved UI
Improves the UI of the MLB TV web player
5 users
Sorts youtube playlists based on duration
5 users
Home Page++
Dynamic themes, task list, sweet greetings, set wallpaper or use Bing. No ads, no tracking, full freedom. Have an awesome time!
5 users