YouTube Ad Skip & Mute
YouTube Ad Skipper is an extension that mute all ads and auto skips ads after YouTube provides a skip ad button. It does not block an ad.
571 users
Comic Reader with Translator
Comic Reader with Translator - allows you to translate a selected area from a comic into another language.
558 users
Better Volume
Allows you to set tab volume from 0-600% with 1% increments between 0% and 10%.
558 users
Take a full page screenshot and save it as an offline HTML file.
554 users
Image Converter
Convert and save images as JPG or PNG
553 users
Save Tab Image
Save Tab Imageはタブで展開中の画像を一括で保存するアドオンです。 インストールするとツールバー上にSave Tab Imageのボタンを追加します。 ボタンをクリックするとタブ上で開いている画像ファイル(jpg,jpeg,png,gif,bmp)をfirefoxのデフォルトダウンロードフォルダに一括で保存することが出来ます。 ダウンロード時に画像を開いているタブをすべて閉じます。
553 users
Hide Funimation UI
Hide/unhide Funimation video UI with 'z' and use up/down arrow keys or PgUp/PgDown keys to seek 1 second back/forward
553 users
YouTube Video Converter
Download and convert YouTube to MP4 and MP3 videos for free with just 1 click
552 users
ArrowDL - Arrow Downloader
Mass downloader for your browser
552 users
Mute Site
Allows to instantly mute/unmute all tabs from a website.
550 users
Youtube to MP3
BigConv is the fastest YouTube Converter to convert YouTube videos to MP3 or MP4 format in high quality for free.
549 users
動画サイトのTverの動画ダウンローダです。ブラウザで動画を再生するとGYAOの動画をダウンロードできるコマンドをテキストファイルに書き出すので、 コピーしてコマンドプロンプトに貼り付ければ落とせます。
546 users
Yandex Music Controls
Yandex Music Controls plugin lets you quickly see what’s currently playing, change a song, and play or pause music from any tab by simply clicking an extension icon. Hotkeys are available!
545 users Downloader
Dodatek ułatwiający pobieranie filmów z polskiego serwisu Plugin dodaje przycisk pod odtwarzaczem wideo umożliwiający ściągnięcie oglądanego wideo.
545 users
vk audiopad – музыкальный плеер ВКонтакте audio player
543 users
Download Image from Context Menu
Adds a context (Right click) menu item to images which allows you to directly download them without a prompt.
540 users
YouTube Ad Accelerator & EasySpeed
Speed up YouTube Ads by 16x. Plus, change the speed of YouTube videos by clicking and dragging left or right anywhere on the video.
538 users
Facebook Video Controls
Enable video controls on Facebook reels and stories
537 users
Image Data
Show image resolution, file type, and file size on mouse over
537 users
Art Saver
Easily download and track what you have downloaded in supported art gallery websites.
537 users
Twitter download video
Provides the ability to download and save videos from
535 users
ThemeSong for YouTube Music™ (Dynamic Themes)
Enhancer for YouTube Music™. Dynamic Themes, Visualizers, Lyrics, Sleep Timer, and more!
533 users
Cheese Knife - CHZZK Toolkit
This extension adds various useful features and tools to CHZZK™, NAVER™'s streaming platform.
532 users
529 users
sprint - Ускорение YouTube
Увеличение скорости загрузки видео YouTube
529 users