Block Image|Video
Easily block all images and videos within a website!
414 users
YouTube Tweaks
A collection of tweaks for hiding Shorts, disabling auto-dubbing, disabling 'Video paused. Continue watching?', changing the number of videos per row and more!
414 users
Turn Off YouTube Comments & Live Chat
Turn off YouTube comments and/or hide YouTube live chat on videos.
412 users
Mountain HD Wallpaper New Tab Theme
Custom new tab background theme with Mountain HD wallpapers in every new tab easily
411 users
Open Image in New Tab
Customizable context menu item for opening images in a new tab. No icon is shown in the context menu. The following options are currently available: * Open tabs in background (don't focus newly opened tab) * Open image next to current tab
411 users
YouTube Volume Normalizer
Normalize YouTube volume. This extension will increase the volume if it is too soft. YouTube by default will only lower the volume if it is too loud.
409 users
Spotify Lyrics
Instant synchronised lyrics display in picture-in-picture window
408 users
Remove Twitch Recommended Channels, Live Chat
Hide Twitch recommended channels, live chat, and related videos.
407 users
Awesome NicoNico Downloader
Download anime videos, audio music mp3, thumbnail images, manga from <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
406 users
Plex Pace
Control the playback speed of Plex Web App player. Lightweight, with custom speeds and keyboard shortcuts.
406 users
Better Subscriptions for Youtube™
This plugin for Firefox aims to make navigating YouTube's subscription grid easier by allowing users to hide watched videos. Github: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
405 users
Original YouTube Audio
Tries to set the original audio track on YouTube videos.
403 users
Kaner YouTube Downloader
This add-on will allow you to download YouTube Videos with all available options (audio-video, video-only, audio-only) from youtube.
401 users
YouTube Music Volume Fixer
Allows the user to adjust the volume scaling of the YouTube Music player.
400 users
Popcorn - Ratings for Netflix
Non-disruptive IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic and Douban ratings for Netflix shows.
398 users
Allows you to download any image as png
397 users
Linked Image List
List the links to the images in the page.
397 users
Copy as PNG
Right click any image on the internet to copy it as a universally-supported PNG file, regardless of what format it was originally served in!
395 users
YouTube Video Replay
YouTube Video Replay is a new tool that lets you replay YouTube Videos.
392 users
Fast Image Blocker
Blocks all images and visual contents on desired websites
391 users
Dark Theme for Instagram™
A highly customizable dark theme for Instagram homepage and search
390 users
Voice-to-Text Assistant
Convert speech to text directly from your browser for easy note-taking.
389 users
Rotate Image
Add option to right click menu to easily rotate image(s) on the page.
389 users
Change the speed of medias, adjust video filters, skip Ads automatically, flip videos horizontally or vertically, rotate, etc. Adjustable filter parameters: brightness, contrast, saturation, etc.
388 users