Wikipedia to Google Images
Add a link in Wikipedia pages that opens new tab with related images. Results by Google images.
102 users
Save images from any site straight into your boards on
102 users
Image Vectorizer (Convert to SVG)
Easily vectorize an image (convert to SVG) in your browser!
102 users
Thich Nhat Hanh Calligraphy
In every new tab you’ll see one of Thich Nhat Hanh's calligraphies, that serve as mindful reminders to pause, breathe and smile.
101 users
Sender Icons for Gmail™
Add a sender icon for all emails in your Gmail inbox.
101 users
101 users
Mul.Live Plus
현재 보고 있는 방송을 Mul.Live에서 함께 봅니다.
101 users
Easy Download
Don't inspect any more.
101 users
Make <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> more user friendly by keeping track of: Which season you are currently watching, which episodes you have already seen in a season, and how far you've made into a given episode.
101 users
Chzzk Adblocker
치지직 광고차단
101 users
Vocaroo HTML5 Player
Uses Vocaroo's download links to replace Vocaroo's flash audio player with the HTML5 audio element.
100 users
Nice Playlist Generator
Makes Spotify playlists from <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a> charts or lists
100 users
Media Hint
Unblock access to websites blocked or censored in your country with Media Hint. Media Hint is ad-free and easy to use! Download now and enjoy your shows anywhere! Use with Media Hint Extension for best results!
100 users
With this extension you can enjoy a full size theatre mode on youtube.
100 users
Capture a screenshot of your current page in entirety and reliably.
100 users
Customizer YouTube™
You can customize the theme and colors from YouTube yourself. You can do many more settings
100 users
File Uploader in ChatGPT
The provided code creates a dynamic file submission feature with a progress tracker. It allows users to select files, split them into chunks, and visualize the upload progress. It also integrates with ChatGPT for interactive conversations, enhancing
100 users
Soundcloud Simple Download
Simple Link to the external Downloader site.
99 users
Gfycat - Click to GIF
Instantly grab and share videos as gifs!
99 users
An extension to generate summary of YouTube Videos.
99 users
Reverse Image Searcher
Right click on an image to reverse image search it with Google, Bing, and Yandex.
99 users
YouTube auto Pause and Resume
Pause YouTube player when page is hidden and resume when it is active again
99 users
Instagram Photo Extractor
Extracts photos from Instagram posts and stories and displays them in full resolution.
99 users
Stream Recorder Pro
Capture and save live streams or scheduled broadcasts for later viewing. Schedule recordings, customize quality settings, and manage your recordings effortlessly.
99 users
YouTube toggle Flash and HTML
Adds a toolbar button to toggle between Flash and the default HTML players
99 users