Scrapbox Sidebar
Displays Scrapbox in the sidebar.
28 users
Netflix Intro Skip
Automatically skip intros in the Netflix web-player.
28 users
Manga Colorizer
Manga Colorizer is a Firefox extension designed to enhance the reading experience of manga enthusiasts. With this extension, users can bring manga to life by applying color to black and white manga pages. The extension also comes with a config popup.
28 users
musicfm - Free Music
Unlimited free music. musicfm has all the music you want.
28 users
28 users
Yandex Play
You can display a button on the panel to stop and resume playing music (for Yandex music) without switching to the tab.
28 users
Youtube Like Percentage
Displays percentage of likes next to the likes bar. You must have Return Youtube Dislike extension installed available here <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
28 users
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> is a music platform where you can convert and download Youtube videos to MP3 and MP4 files for free.
27 users
Netflix with Elapsed Time
Netflix with Elapsed Time displays the elapsed time from the beginning.
27 users
Media Fullsize
Click the extension icon to open current Smugmug, Instagram, or VSCO images in the highest resolution possible.
27 users
Photos Downloader
the purpose of this extension "photos downloader" is making it easy to download product images from aliexpress it will be soon able to download from the other ecomerce sites that contain many products images like walmart, mazon, etc.
27 users
Amazon Prime Videoで操作追加
Amazon Prime Videoで特定の操作を追加するアドオンです。 再生速度変更、シークバー操作、動画上ダブルクリックでフルスクリーン 等の機能が追加されます。
27 users
Google Classic Image Search
An extremely simple extension to bring classic Google image search to Firefox. No more Google Lens!
27 users
Latest CNN News Videos
See the latest and most popular CNN Video View the Latest News Videos Daily. Free-to-watch videos daily in just 1-Click. Addon uses 3rd party site (<a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>) for operation.
27 users
Quick Capture
Take a screenshot with one button (default: F2). You can take a screenshot immediately whenever you feel like it, e.g. during a game. The position of the mouse cursor can also be marked.
27 users
Icon Finder
Super Free Icon Search Engine , Over 91000 icons, strong categorized, plus free vectors and stock photos on one place!
27 users
Gmail as a Sidebar
Displays a sidebar that lets you send mails and manage contact with Gmail.
27 users
Wallpaper Downloader
Allows easy downloading of wallpapers on wallhaven.
27 users
Letterboxd Torrents Provider
Letterboxd extension that provides you torrents for movies.
27 users
27 users
YouTube to Mp3 Converter fuzna
This addon places a fuzna button below youtube videos which triggers a mp3 conversion of the current video when clicked. It's simple and extremely fast!
27 users
Fix Udemy
Fixes Udemy video playback speed not saving between videos, this extension will store your speed preferences for each instructor and properly reload with that speed on all videos
27 users
Easy get full-sized images or videos from Instagram pages from the context menu
27 users
Ambient sounds for your Firefox.
26 users