Easily rehosts images from the web.
12 users
Simple QR Code Generator & Reader
A powerful and simple QR code generator that helps you to easily generate and scan QR codes. A Simple QR Code Generator (Generator and Reader). You can convert your firefox into a full featured qr code reader app
12 users
Audio Customizer
An extension for users with specific audio needs. It enables them to tune out low/high frequencies that they might be sensitive to or force stereo audio to come out as mono. It also offers a few other smaller features.
12 users
Bypass the new popup!
12 users
Experience masterpieces from world-renowned museums in every new tab.
12 users
Image Downloader Pro Pic
Find and download images from any web pages. Filter or select all at once to bulk download.
12 users
Show movie rating from <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>
12 users
No YouTube Premieres
Hides Premieres from the subscription page.
12 users
deviantArt Blocker
Block selected artists on DeviantArt's Eclipse browser page. Hide images from artists that are of poor quality, offensive, of no interest. Simply click the X button bottom right of any image. Also optinally block Subscribtion Adverts.
12 users
PaintCloud editor for images & photos
Crop, resize, rotate, flip, draw, add shapes & text, apply filters, adjust brightness, contrast, saturation, ... over images
12 users
DataShield Media Blocker
Prevents download of third party media files (Video,Images,CSS,JS,Fonts) reducing data usage and increasing load times.
12 users
Threads Video Downloader
Download photos and videos from Threads quickly and easily!
12 users
Simple Image Editor
A Simple Image Editor. You can convert your firefox into a full featured image editor
12 users
Rumble Resize
Make Rumble Theatre Mode fill the entire browser window.
12 users
The browser addon enables you to effortlessly convert YouTube videos directly from your toolbar
12 users
Image Brightness Adjuster
Adjust the brightness of images on the web using a slider.
12 users
Facility for providing slideshow like feature from playlist of image links
12 users
Youtube Controller Hidden
Youtube Controller hidden & Caption move freely 1. The playback progress bar can be kept visible continuously by pressing Alt + J 2. You can hide/show the playback controller UI and the progress bar using Alt + K, L, H
12 users
MaestroTube - Beta
Maestro Tube, the ultimate Extension for musicians
12 users
Whenever the mouse hovers over an image, bring it into front plan for a better inspection
12 users
Now hostelites of CUFE won't have to download Youtube video they want to see online after permissible hours. Click on the plugin when on a youtube page and wait, voila!! you will have your video streaming. Also start downloading from it.
12 users
Enable you to play youtube links inside facebook
12 users
Enables accessibility options for various video players on the web based on user preferences
12 users
SiIvaGunner Wiki Extension
Instantly visit the SiIvaGunner wiki page of the rip you are viewing by just one click
12 users