Cashback Monitor
Opens current website's listing in Cashback Monitor to find best cashback deals.
10 users
Total des comptes au CreditMutuel
Ajoute un bouton pour calculer la somme des comptes sur la page des comptes du site Crédit Mutuel.
10 users
En naviguant sur internet, tu peux soutenir des associations et des projets qui te tiennent à cœur.
10 users
SL Marketplace Enhancer
Adds additional information to product and search pages of the Second Life Marketplace, such as item listing date and tags and more.
10 users
TradeMe Plus
Adds helpful features to such as a filter to see all negative feedback of user easily and long shipping time warnings.
10 users
Ruch Chorzów - Oficjalny dodatek do aplikacji
Oficjalny dodatek do Firefox do oficjalnej aplikacji Ruchu Chorzów! Ten dodatek będzie Ci przypominał, gdzie Twoje zakupy będą wspierały Ruch Chorzów. To bardzo proste.
10 users
MercadoLibre Sin Internacional
Elimina los molestos productos con envío internacional del mercado libre
10 users
Discount Bandit
Get Your Products Data From Your Own Server , ( Requires Discount Bandit Github )
10 users
BrickLink unified UI
Provide a unified look & feel for items in stores, carts and catalogs on the BrickLink website.
10 users
My Notes XXL
My Notes XXL has been discontinued, If you want a 100% similar plugin, with frequent updates, please take a look at My Notes
10 users
Vegan Signal 🌱📡
Signal all sites that you are vegan and you like vegan lifestyle!
10 users
ISA - Ideal Shoppen Assistent
Mit dem kostenlosen Ideal-Shoppen-Assistent (ISA) kannst du noch bequemer beim Online-Shoppen bares Geld zurück bekommen. ISA weist auch in den Google Suchergebnissen auf unsere Shop-Partner hin.
10 users
Brettspiele: Angebote und Schnäppchen
Wir finden den günstigsten Preis für dein Spiel. Vergleiche Preise für Brettspiele durch eine schnelle Suche!
10 users
Airbnb Total
Mad that you always have to click a property to see the details? Airbnb Total is here to ease that pain. Have everything listed out for you right from the start, Cleaning Fee, Service Fee, Total per nights of stay. Want more? Just leave a comment.
9 users
Read Up - look up book level
Automatically lookup book reading levels (Lexile, ATOS, GRL) making it easy for parents & teachers to find books for young readers
9 users
JD search by image
JD search by image allows you to easily find similar products on JD, Taobao, AliExpress, Alibaba, 1688 and
9 users
Grossyield | Investment property deal finder
Grossyield helps future buyers and real estate investors find properties with good return of investment by providing insightful data on properties listed on major websites. The extension is compatible with Centris, Duproprio, Remax, Realtor, and more
9 users
OnlineShoppingTools - Automatic Coupons
Save money and earn rewards when you shop online.
9 users
Mijn Verlanglijst
Met de Mijn Verlanglijst-knop voeg je tijdens het shoppen heel gemakkelijk artikelen uit webwinkels toe aan je verlanglijstje.
9 users
An extension that helps Human beings boycott products and services affiliated with Israel.
9 users
9 users
SwissCheck zeigt schnell an, wo sich ein Shop oder ein Verkäufer befindet.
9 users
Tlačítko Tomikup
Tomikup tlačítko se zobrazí při návštěvě libovolného e-shopu. Přidejte produkt do svého wishlistu pouhými dvěma kliky. Anebo si takto uložte nápad na dárek pro přítele. Až přijdou Vánoce či narozeniny, víte přesně co koupit. Konec zbytečných dárků!
9 users
Vali property valuation
Vali adds a property valuation estimate to real estate listings.
9 users
Quick Search for Amazon
Select a product name in current browser tab and click the popup to get the product price
9 users