URL Original
Protects users against website impersonation and phishing, ensuring safe browsing and personal data protection.
2 users
Search on Kaspi.Shop
Highlight a text → right click → search on Kaspi.Shop.
1 user
Box Scout - Packaging Checker for Amazon
Use Box Scout to ensure all items ship with Amazon packaging.
1 user
Property Inspector (BETA)
The easy way to identify property defects without any experience or specialist knowledge. Join our early access Beta. PropInspector is still in early access beta and our services should not be used to make finacial decisions.
1 user
OODLZ: Cashback With Interest
The best cashback deals at your favourite stores.
1 user
you can search multiple shops from a (currently static) list for your search term. for every shop a new tab with the search url is opened
1 user
Barbora.lt URL Modifier
Automatically appends 'order=priceAsc' to URLs except the excluded ones. This allows people to see items starting from the lowest price by default like the good old times when the setting you chose, was remembered.
1 user
pt2 is a browser extension which allows you to keep track of content changes on web pages.
1 user
Mit Plaash befreist Du den Ozean kostenlos von Plastik 🌊 und sparst beim Shoppen Geld 💰
1 user
COMPENSA A TUA PEGADA de carbono gratuitamente e poupa dinheiro com códigos de desconto quando fazes compras online.
1 user
Upsell Blocker
Upsell Blocker (UB) greatly diminishes the amount of upselling you normally see at Amazon.com, replacing upsell content with a photo, quotation, or emptiness. For amazon.com in the USA for now. Perfect for minimalists.
1 user
Core Protect
Pre-screen Ethereum transactions to detect scams before they happen.
1 user
Supporter Addon
Das Supporter Addon leitet Inhalte basierend auf benutzerdefinierten Regeln automatisch um.
1 user
Alerte Bons Plans Emrys
L'alerte Bons Plans vous informe instantanément de la disponibilité d’un cashback lorsque vous visitez un site marchand partenaire.
1 user
See the latest products on Emaykorse.com with one click.
1 user
Fast Food Filter
Lieferando-Plugin zum Filtern der Speisen nach Diät (vegan / vegetarisch), Allergenen, Zutaten und gesundheitlichen Faktoren.
1 user
Bookizon plugin per RT ItalRetail
Collega il tuo registratore telematico ItalRetail al tuo pannello di controllo Bookizon!
1 user
TCGPlayer Seller Aggregation
Identifies the fewest (non-direct) sellers needed to purchase all cards
1 user
ESPC Floor Area
Displays the floor area of properties on ESPC.com when viewing search results.
1 user
ЧИП и ДИП Поиск
░▒▓ in Russian only ▓▒░ Поиск электронных компонентов в магазине ЧИП и ДИП
1 user
'Quality of life' extension for websites that sell books. Adds book information and ratings to supported bookstore websites.
1 user
Hemnet extension
Calculates the monthly cost for apartments on hemnet.
1 user
Winzos! Web Contests
Win cash, gift cards and more when you search the web, watch videos, and shop at online stores like Amazon, Target, and others!
1 user
This addon is for seller not for a buyer. espicially for those tracking their lists everyday.Show the item id ,seller id and catalog id for result page in aliexpress site. 当一个卖家在速卖通输入关键词得到搜索结果时,产品的链接是一长串的url地址,对卖家而言既无必要又难以操作。 此插件会把产品的类别id和卖家提取出来
1 user
Adds some nice scripts to handle a large order list in Foodsoft.
1 user