uBlock Origin
Finally, an efficient wide-spectrum content blocker. Easy on CPU and memory.
9,326,872 users
AdGuard AdBlocker
Unmatched adblock extension against advertising and pop-ups. Blocks ads on Facebook, Youtube and all other websites.
1,370,958 users
Ghostery – Privacy Ad Blocker
The best privacy tool and ad blocker extension for Firefox. Stop trackers, speed up websites and block ads everywhere including YouTube and Facebook.
1,061,349 users
SponsorBlock - Skip Sponsorships on YouTube
Easily skip YouTube video sponsors. When you visit a YouTube video, the extension will check the database for reported sponsors and automatically skip known sponsors. You can also report sponsors in videos. Other browsers: https://sponsor.ajay.app
597,356 users
NoScript Security Suite
The best security you can get in a web browser! Allow potentially malicious web content to run only from sites you trust. Protect yourself against XSS other web security exploits.
292,777 users
Popup Blocker (strict)
Strictly block all popup requests from any website by default. A notification window is opened to allow you accept, reject, open the popup in background page, or redirect the current page to popup address
75,173 users
Removes and prevents popups, overlays and cookie notifications, other tools do not. Enjoy the original look of the internet.
44,541 users
Webmail Ad Blocker
Remove advertising clutter from your web-based email. Expand your viewable area by blocking and removing ads on the right-hand side of the screen when using Gmail, Hotmail, <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/5df07da2d9f137ab21d4a4d63cb97500a3633181a2736883da16dbe5aeb56149/http%3A//Outlook.com" rel="nofollow">Outlook.com</a> and Yahoo Mail.
30,696 users
AdBlocker Ultimate
Completely remove ALL ads. No “acceptable” ads or whitelisted advertisers allowed. This free extensions also helps block trackers and malware.
1,734,362 users
AdBlock for Firefox
The most popular ad blocker for Chrome and Safari, now available for Firefox! Block all advertisements on all web pages, even Facebook, Youtube, and Hulu. Browse faster, too! Most ads aren't even downloaded at all, saving you time and bandwidth.
1,329,312 users
Malwarebytes Browser Guard
The fastest and safest web browsing experience. Secure your privacy by blocking trackers, blocking ads, and blocking malicious content.
482,657 users
Surfshark VPN Extension
Browse the web freely with secure, private internet access for the Firefox browser extension.
95,375 users
I still don't care about cookies
Community version of the popular extension "I don't care about cookies" <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/d899243c3222e303a4ac90833f850da61cdf8f7779e2685f60f657254302216d/https%3A//github.com/OhMyGuus/I-Dont-Care-About-Cookies" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/OhMyGuus/I-Dont-Care-About-Cookies</a>
91,850 users
Free VPN Proxy & Ad Blocker - Planet VPN
Secure your web browsing with Planet VPN - a free vpn proxy addon
81,129 users
Popup Blocker Ultimate
Best Pop-up Blocker for Firefox. (Best in Rating, Performance, This addon does NOT collect user's data same as Poper Blocker)If your Firefox version is not 57+ please install version 8.1 from <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/2568c68827742149b62c57b4c5002f850acc8040f9a902b7d92f62e409dae280/https%3A//popupblocker.ir" rel="nofollow">Official website</a>.
62,355 users
Blocking ads and fighting back against advertising surveillance.
61,394 users
Fakespot Fake Amazon Reviews and eBay Sellers
Protect yourself from bad sellers and fake reviews on Amazon and more!
52,367 users
Norton AntiTrack
Feel like you have little to no control over what information the sites you visit collect and share? Norton AntiTrack can help.
45,106 users
Don't waste time with compliance. Use FastForward to skip annoying URL "shorteners".
38,811 users
TTV LOL PRO removes most livestream ads from Twitch.
38,629 users
UnTrap for YouTube
Hide YouTube recommendations, shorts, comments, suggestions, related videos, trending and other distractions.
16,731 users
Hide Google AI Overviews
Hide annoying Google AI Overviews.
16,510 users
YouTube Search Fixer
Remove ALL distracting search results, redirect shorts back to legacy page and try little visual changes suited for low resolution screens.
15,126 users
Free VPN
1VPN - Free VPN Proxy, Unlimited Data, Fast Speeds, Secure Encryption, No-Logs Policy, & Easy to Use.
12,623 users
SocialFocus: Hide Distractions
Block feed, shorts, related and other distractions on time-wasting sites like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Reddit, LinkedIn...
12,160 users