Adless Spotify
Mutes Spotify's Webplayer when advertisements are played.
2,014 users
Auto Highlight
🟨 Auto Highlight will help you see what's important on the web! ✅ ⚡ Supports RegExp search and many style and highlight options ⭕ 🥷 Hide text by setting font size to zero!
2,007 users
Music Mode for YouTube™
Blocks the video keeping only the audio on YouTube, YouTube Music and YouTube for mobiles. Additionally, it removes the ads from YouTube, hides the thumbnails and allows YouTube to play in the background on mobile. Easy to use with many options.
1,993 users
Automatically enforces cookie consent preferences to protect your privacy on any website you visit.
1,921 users
VK Next - функции для ВКонтакте
Лучшее расширение для ВКонтакте с множеством функций, в числе которых есть эксклюзивные.
1,820 users
Instagram Remove Reels, Explore Page - IGPlus
Disable Instagram Shorts, videos, comments, suggestions wall, vanity metrics, homepage recomendations, trending... and many more.
1,799 users
Reddit NSFW/Spoiler Unblur
Show NSFW/Spoiler medias in Reddit (Shreddit,
1,584 users
Tracking & Ad Removal on Facebook
Removes Ads and the user interaction tracking on Facebook™. Modified elements can optionally have a custom CSS style applied to them so that cleaned items can be more easily identified.
1,575 users
Website Blocker
Block websites with ease!
1,524 users
Port Authority
Blocks websites from using javascript to port scan your computer/network and dynamically blocks all LexisNexis endpoints from running their invasive data collection scripts.
1,398 users
Free OpenVPN Server Finder
Display up-to-date list of public OpenVPN servers provided by VPN Gate (University of Tsukuba)
1,358 users
Advanced Profanity Filter
Advanced Profanity Filter helps to clean up bad language on the websites you and your family visit.
1,354 users
New Minecraft Wiki Redirect
Automatically redirect to the new non-Fandom Minecraft wiki.
1,309 users
YT Shorts Blocker
Hide Youtube shorts and filter videos by length from your recommended section. For desktop and mobile!
1,181 users
Control Panel for YouTube
Gives you more control over YouTube by adding missing options and UI improvements
1,167 users
Hello, Goodbye
Hello, Goodbye blocks annoying chat widgets and cookie banners to make your internet a little bit better.
1,098 users
Clearly Reader
Your missing web reader
1,066 users
one sec | Website Blocker, Focus, Screen Time
“one sec” forces you to take a deep breath and pause whenever you open one of the configured websites (Reddit, YouTube, Twitter, …).
969 users
Unlock Medium article
Opens current Medium Article in Freedium, unlocking the article.
949 users
Twitch Adblock (No-Pepe)
Blocks Ads on, without Pepes in the UI.
947 users
One Click 𝕏/Twitter Blocker
Block/Mute users on 𝕏/Twitter in a single click.
827 users
Pinterest Ads & Promo Remover
This extension hides intrusive ads and promotional content on all Pinterest sites.
782 users
Support trans people and improving your experience on Twitter
762 users
Web Edit
Easily edit websites temporarily with a click of a button.
755 users
Facebook Sponsor Blocker
Light weight extension to block and remove Facebook sponsored and suggested posts that supports languages other than English.
742 users