This is a reduced permissions fork of the original vimium: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Vimium-lite allows very fast in-page navigation, similar to neovim's lightspeed: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
2 users
The API Key Collector
2 users
Wanderlust New Tab
Explore the world effortlessly with Wanderlust App, your ultimate digital travel assistant. Stunning photos and insider info on your new tab. Over 800 users and counting on Chrome!
2 users
Find Amazon products locally. Save shipping costs, reduce CO2 emissions and help your local economy.
2 users
Fractions - Medium Earnings
A Better Partner Dashboard for Medium
2 users
Bayesian Weighted Rating Calculator
This calculator computes the Bayesian Weighted Rating for products using their average rating and number of ratings, ensuring fairer comparisons, especially for items with fewer ratings.
2 users
Open page Html ClourdFlow with PageBuilder
2 users
Organize and filter your browsing history with Surfed. Surfed respects your privacy and ensures that your data stays on your device.
2 users
SMMRY extension
Alternative to the bookmark shortcut provided by <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
2 users
2 users
Dictionnaire héraldique
Rechercher facilement la définition d'un terme héraldique.
2 users
Buscador Acadêmico
Buscador semântico de conteúdo acadêmico brasileiro.
2 users
2 users ― Search word on tab title
This extension changes <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> search result tab's title to search word in the tab. この拡張機能は、Startpage.comにおける検索結果を表示しているタブタイトルを検索ワードで置き換えます。 #Just install #Privacy #Opensource
2 users
SearXNG (
Make SearXNG (instance <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>) the default search engine. SearXNG (previously Searx) is a free and open-source metasearch engine.
2 users
Browspire - The Most Aesthetic homepage
Enhance your browsing experience with a custom New Tab Page that matches your vibe and boosts your productivity.
2 users
2 users
Use AI to rewrite, and analyse text from webpages. It can help you write blog posts or forum posts. Just highlight some text and Aify it.
2 users
itrascastro - All Tabs Finder
This addon can find a key in all opened tabs. It also works with google sheets ...
2 users
The simple start page developed based on Vue3.
2 users
Mark important keyword for every google search. Get the non-SEO results.
1 user
Gagnez en productivité, épargnez la planète. Avec Bookmarker, personnalisez et regroupez instantanément vos bookies par dossier, ciblez rapidement vos adresses préférées ou partez à l'assaut du web grâce aux moteurs de recherche.
1 user
MDN Dark Mode
Add a dark mode with different themes to the MDN Web Docs website. Open-Source.
1 user
Supporter Addon
Das Supporter Addon leitet Inhalte basierend auf benutzerdefinierten Regeln automatisch um.
1 user