QR Code for Firefox
QR Code for Firefox generates QR codes independently, simple and fast, and can be generated immediately for 256 colors of any size! The latest version of this addon has been updated to Please upgrade and use it as soon as possible.
403 users
Copy as PNG
Right click any image on the internet to copy it as a universally-supported PNG file, regardless of what format it was originally served in!
391 users
335 users
Email Extractor - Free & Unlimited
Extract email addresses from webpages for free. It's unlimited!
291 users
Web Text Expander
Work smarter and type faster with text shortcuts! Use text expander to turn text snippets into words or sentences anywhere online.
283 users
Recurring emails for Gmail
Sends your emails at a later time once, or recurring every X hours/days/months/years
229 users
Extension Manager
Quickly and Easy enable, disable, uninstall, custom group or nickname, star or top and export CSV extensions for Mozilla addons.
221 users
194 users
180 users
Urdu for Web
Nastaleeq Font For Web - Supports Google, Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp , Wikipeadia and many other websites which support Urdu language tag or RTL direction.
171 users
155 users
153 users
CRMzz - Whats App Groups Contacts Importer
CRMzz is a Customer Development, Engagement & Retention Platform with Influencers search engine to help amplify brand's exposure.
146 users
Telegram Blur
Blur and Hides your messages on Telegram until you hover over them.
140 users
Chat Multi Messenger
Merges all Social Media Networks chats in one App. Access to multi messenger to message your friends and more...
140 users
WhatsApp Direct Message
Send Direct Messages in WhatsApp without having the number in the contacts!
133 users
FluentTyper extension auto-completes while you typing. FluentTyper attempts to improve the ease and speed of textual input by predicting words. It autocompletes words for you while you typing. FluentTyper will also fix your typos.
118 users
StatsCrop - Site Ranking & Traffic Analysis
Check the ranking and traffic of any website.
115 users
Briteinno Whatsapp Extractor
Extract phone numbers from WhatsApp groups with ease. Supports international formats, and unlimited extraction, and saves contacts in a .txt file. Perfect for businesses and marketers to quickly gather group contacts. Simple and efficient!
114 users
100 users
98 users
Free IRC App MOD
IRC APP Extension is a new app/Extension that allows you to connect to IRC networks right from your Browser.
88 users
74 users