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3D lilac rainbow figure

by Tatana

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3D rainbow figure 10

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3D rainbow figure 11

by Tatana

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3D multicolor figure

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See all Abstract Themes


Rated 5 out of 5 stars by Firefox user 3bb83a on Nov. 14, 2017

Rated 2 out of 5 stars by Firefox user 7d2276 on April 24, 2017

This wonderful theme is full of vibrant hues, yet it also holds a very sweet memory! It reminds me of those fun kits we had as children, called "Magic Rocks"! You simply plopped small colored chunks of clay into a clear glass jar, and PRESTO !! ....they would grow into multi-colored mini mountains! Your beautiful cloud "Theme" looks JUST LIKE those splendid psychedelic hills of yester-year! So much fun! Ha!

So, thank you for designing these vivid "rock" cloud formations, that now adorn my laptop screen, .....but thanks EVEN MORE for the trip down memory lane! I wonder if they still sell those kits? If so, I hope they'd actually be as "cool" as I remember them! Although, nothing in life ever is, eh? Ugh!

Terrific piece of artwork! - C.R.McL.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars by C.R.McL. on March 4, 2017

See all 6 reviews of this add-on

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