Anti TwitterSpam di よっキング
Twitterのスパムにさようならして快適なツイ廃ライフを! Twitterのスパムを非表示にする拡張機能です! Say goodbye to Twitter spam and enjoy a comfortable Twitter life! This is a browser extension that hides Twitter spam!
Devi utilizzare Firefox per poter installare questa estensione
Metadati estensione

Informazioni sull’estensione
[The English text is provided below.]
Source code:https://github.com/ykundesu/AntiTwitterSpam
Pull request welcome!
Hide spam from Twitter!
This browser extension hides spam that occurs on X (formerly Twitter). There are no settings; just install it, and spam disappears. It can also handle to some extent spam without authentication marks. Additionally, there's a whitelist for false positives. You can add or remove from the whitelist through each user's profile.
Target areas:
・Replies section
⇒ Hides malicious sites, such as spam tweets with only emojis or false content.
⇒ Hides indiscriminate spam notifications.
Detection rate is not 100%. Some people may not be detected as spam even if they are, and others may be detected as spam when they're not. If you encounter such situations, please report them.
This extension is for Japanese users.
Therefore, the false positive rate increases dramatically for non-Japanese languages such as English.
Source code:https://github.com/ykundesu/AntiTwitterSpam
Pull request welcome!
[The English text is provided below.]
Source code:https://github.com/ykundesu/AntiTwitterSpam
Pull request welcome!
Hide spam from Twitter!
This browser extension hides spam that occurs on X (formerly Twitter). There are no settings; just install it, and spam disappears. It can also handle to some extent spam without authentication marks. Additionally, there's a whitelist for false positives. You can add or remove from the whitelist through each user's profile.
Target areas:
・Replies section
⇒ Hides malicious sites, such as spam tweets with only emojis or false content.
⇒ Hides indiscriminate spam notifications.
Detection rate is not 100%. Some people may not be detected as spam even if they are, and others may be detected as spam when they're not. If you encounter such situations, please report them.
This extension is for Japanese users.
Therefore, the false positive rate increases dramatically for non-Japanese languages such as English.
Source code:https://github.com/ykundesu/AntiTwitterSpam
Pull request welcome!
Valuta la tua esperienza utente
PermessiUlteriori informazioni
Questo componente aggiuntivo necessita di:
- Accedere ai dati utente di twitter.com
- Accedere ai dati utente di mobile.twitter.com
Ulteriori informazioni
- Link componente aggiuntivo
- Versione
- 1.2.5
- Dimensione
- 79,3 kB
- Ultimo aggiornamento
- un anno fa (13 gen 2024)
- Categorie correlate
- Licenza
- Solo GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
- Cronologia versioni
Aggiungi alla raccolta
Altre estensioni di よっキング
- Non ci sono ancora valutazioni
- Non ci sono ancora valutazioni
- Non ci sono ancora valutazioni
- Non ci sono ancora valutazioni
- Non ci sono ancora valutazioni
- Non ci sono ancora valutazioni