Cronologia versioni di Cookie AutoDelete - 5 versioni
Cookie AutoDelete di CAD Team
Cronologia versioni di Cookie AutoDelete - 5 versioni
Attenzione alle versioni datate. Sono visualizzate solamente per scopi di test e di riferimento.È raccomandato usare sempre l’ultima versione di un componente aggiuntivo.
Ultima versione
Versione 3.8.2
Rilasciato 8 dic 2022 - 746,96 kBCompatibile con firefox63.0 e successive, android120.0 e successive- Fix: Expired cookies to also include matched expressions and its options
- Fix: passing IP Addresses into browsingData removal functions
- Crowdin translation updates
- Dependency Updates
Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Licenza MIT
Scarica FirefoxDevi utilizzare Firefox per poter installare questa estensioneVersioni precedenti
Versione 3.8.1
Rilasciato 5 lug 2022 - 738,67 kBCompatibile con firefox63.0 e successive, android da 63.0 a 68.*Fixed: Browser detection in Firefox 103+ as the previous browser feature has been deprecated and removed.Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Licenza MIT
Versione 3.8.0
Rilasciato 11 giu 2022 - 738,53 kBCompatibile con firefox da 63.0 a 102.*, android da 63.0 a 68.*Updates since last version:
- Option to keep or clean the browsing site data when freshly enabled.
- Fix site data being cleaned on restart on a whitelist entry.
- Session data to be cleaned when the 'All' manual trigger is clicked.Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Licenza MIT
Versione 3.7.0
Rilasciato 22 mag 2022 - 730,97 kBCompatibile con firefox da 63.0 a 102.*, android da 63.0 a 68.*Notable Fix:
- Fixed: Version number comparison in Firefox is now by number instead of string, as it should have been in the beginning. This resolves most of the issues from Firefox 100+ in regards to missing functions that was available pre-100.
- Enhanced: Additional Clean options now have small amount of spacing between them.
- Chore: Dependency Updates and code optimizations, including a patch for replacing deprecated functions by CommanderRoot in PR#1319.
- Fixed: Cleanup of site data on restart. Closes #1199 via PR#1386.
- Fixed: Keep All Cookies value not properly kept on import. Closes #1376 via PR#1389.
- Fixed: Popup UI Buttons stacking when font size is small even though there is enough room for more than one button per row. Now it should only stack when width is too small. Fixes #1034.
- Fixed: Mistyped Turkish translation placeholder. Closes #1299 via PR#1382.Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Licenza MIT
Versione 3.6.0
Rilasciato 20 gen 2021 - 718,6 kBCompatibile con firefox da 63.0 a 99.*, android da 63.0 a 68.*Added Features
- Implementation of Firefox Containers/Contextual Identities. This allows CAD to monitor when changes to containers info have been made, and remove the CAD list matching that removed container ID.
- Manually entering expressions and using Shift+Enter will add the expression into the GreyList.
- Search Expressions while typing. It's not perfect but it is a start. Closes #120.
- IP CIDR Notation in Expressions. Closes #814.
Bugs Squashed
- Duplication of domains in siteData Notifications.
- Additional cleanup popup 'flashing' in certain situations. Closes #803.
- Usage of commas within Regular Expressions. Closes #865.
- Partial Regex Domain Replacements in backend.
- Backend Code Optimizations.
- Dependency Updates.Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Licenza MIT