Attenzione alle versioni datate. Sono visualizzate solamente per scopi di test e di riferimento.È raccomandato usare sempre l’ultima versione di un componente aggiuntivo.
Ultima versione
Versione 2.6.78
Rilasciato 15 feb 2025 - 21,28 MBCompatibile con firefox113.0 e successive, android120.0 e successiveUpdated
<li>p2p-media-loader-hlsjs & p2p-media-loader-core v2.1.0 -> v2.2.0</li>
<li>react-intl v7.1.0 -> v7.1.6</li>
<li>react v19.0.0</li>
<li>react-dom v19.0.0</li>
</ul>Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Scarica FirefoxDevi utilizzare Firefox per poter installare questa estensioneVersioni precedenti
Versione 2.6.77
Rilasciato 13 gen 2025 - 21,28 MBCompatibile con firefox113.0 e successive, android120.0 e successiveUpdated- algoliasearch v5.15.0 -> v5.19.0
- alpinejs v3.14.5 -> v3.14.8
- bootstrap-table v1.23.5 -> v1.24.0
- bulma v1.0.2 -> v1.0.3
- font-awesome v6.7.1 -> v6.7.2
- highlight.js v11.10.0 -> v11.11.1
- hls.js v1.5.17 -> v1.5.18
- instantsearch.js v4.75.5 -> v4.75.7
- libphonenumber-js v1.11.15 -> v1.11.17
- materialicons v142 -> v143
- ngx-bootstrap v18.1.3 -> v19.0.2
- react-intl v7.0.1 -> v7.1.0
- react-router v6.28.0 -> v6.28.1
- simplebar v6.2.7 -> v6.3.0
- tinymce v7.5.1 -> v7.6.0
- video.js v8.20.0 -> v8.21.1
- vue-i18n v11.0.1
- Mapping of TinyMCE v6.x
Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 2.6.76
Rilasciato 7 dic 2024 - 21,25 MBCompatibile con firefox113.0 e successive, android120.0 e successiveUpdated- algoliasearch v5.12.0 -> v5.15.0
- alpinejs v3.14.3 -> v3.14.5
- axios v1.7.7 -> v1.7.8
- dexie v4.0.9 -> v4.0.10
- font-awesome v6.6.0 -> v6.7.1
- instantsearch.js v4.75.3 -> v4.75.5
- libphonenumber-js v1.11.12 -> v1.11.15
- lightgallery v2.7.2 -> v2.8.1
- mdb-ui-kit v8.0.0 -> v8.1.0
- p2p-media-loader-core & p2p-media-loader-hlsjs v2.0.1 -> v2.1.0
- p5.js v1.11.1 -> v1.11.2
- react-intl v6.8.5 -> v7.0.1
- react-router v6.27.0 -> v6.28.0
- search-insights v2.17.2 -> v2.17.3
- swagger-ui v5.17.14 -> v5.18.2
- tinymce v7.4.1 -> v7.5.1
- video.js v8.19.1 -> v8.20.0
- vue v3.5.12 -> v3.5.13
- vue-i18n v10.0.4 -> v10.0.5
- vue-router v4.4.5 -> v4.5.0
- Chart.js v4.4.1 -> replace chart.min.js with chart.umd.min.js (#1648)
Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 2.6.75
Rilasciato 3 nov 2024 - 20,74 MBCompatibile con firefox113.0 e successive, android120.0 e successiveUpdated- algoliasearch v5.4.1 -> v5.12.0
- alpinejs v3.14.1 -> v3.14.3
- bootstrap-table v1.23.2 -> v1.23.5
- dexie v4.0.8 -> v4.0.9
- foundation v6.8.1 -> v6.9.0
- hls.js v1.5.15 -> v1.5.17
- instantsearch.js v4.74.1 -> v4.75.3
- jqueryui v1.14.0 -> v1.14.1
- libphonenumber-js v1.11.8 -> v1.11.12
- lightbox2 v2.11.4 -> v2.11.5
- mdb-ui-kit v8.0.0
- ngx-bootstrap v18.0.2 -> v18.1.3
- p5.js v1.10.0 -> v1.11.1
- react-intl v6.7.0 -> v6.8.5
- react-router v6.26.2 -> v6.27.0
- v4.7.5 -> v4.8.1
- tensorflow v4.21.0 -> v4.22.0
- tinymce v7.3.0 -> v7.4.1
- video.js v8.18.0 -> v8.19.1
- vue v3.5.4 -> v3.5.12
- vue-i18n v10.0.1 -> v10.0.4
- vue-router v4.4.4 -> v4.4.5
Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 2.6.74
Rilasciato 5 ott 2024 - 20,61 MBCompatibile con firefox113.0 e successive, android120.0 e successiveUpdated- algoliasearch v5.3.0 -> v5.4.1
- instantsearch.css v8.5.0 -> v8.5.1
- instantsearch.js v4.74.0 -> v4.74.1
- libphonenumber-js v1.11.7 -> v1.11.8
- p2p-media-loader-core & p2p-media-loader-hlsjs v1.0.5 -> v2.0.1
- react-intl v6.6.8 -> v6.7.0
- react-router v6.26.1 -> v6.26.2
- search-insights v2.17.1 -> v2.17.2
- video.js v8.17.4 -> v8.18.0
- vue v3.5.3 -> v3.5.4
- vue-i18n v10.0.1
- vue-router v4.4.3 -> v4.4.4
- redirect outdated paths of font-awesome
- Use charset of the response header in the initial TextDecoder. (#1646)
- Use correct file for vue-i18n >= v9.0.0
- -> popperjs (#1644)
- -> video.js (#1644)
- featherlight v1.7.13 (#1644)
Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 2.6.73
Rilasciato 9 set 2024 - 20,57 MBCompatibile con firefox113.0 e successive, android120.0 e successiveUpdated- algoliasearch v5.3.0
- axios v1.7.3 -> v1.7.7
- dayjs v1.11.12 -> v1.11.13
- hls.js v1.5.14 -> v1.5.15
- instantsearch.css v8.4.0 -> v8.5.0
- instantsearch.js v4.73.4 -> v4.74.0
- jquery.tablesorter v2.31.3 -> v2.32.0
- libphonenumber-js v1.11.5 -> v1.11.7
- p2p-media-loader-hlsjs & p2p-media-loader-core v1.0.4 -> v1.0.5
- react-router v6.26.0 -> v6.26.1
- search-insights v2.16.2 -> v2.17.1
- tensorflow v4.20.0 -> v4.21.0
- video.js v8.17.3 -> v8.17.4
- vue v3.4.37 -> v3.5.3
- vue-i18n v9.13.1 -> v9.14.0
Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 2.6.72
Rilasciato 14 ago 2024 - 20,55 MBCompatibile con firefox113.0 e successive, android120.0 e successiveFixed- Broken HTML Filter (#1638)
Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 2.6.71
Rilasciato 10 ago 2024 - 20,55 MBCompatibile con firefox113.0 e successive, android120.0 e successiveUpdated- tinymce v7.2.1 -> v7.3.0
- angular-ui-router v1.1.0 -> v1.1.1
- axios v1.7.2 -> v1.7.3
- baguettebox.js v1.11.1 -> v1.12.0
- bootstrap-table v1.23.0 -> v1.23.2
- bulma v1.0.1 -> v1.0.2
- dayjs v1.11.11 -> v1.11.12
- font-awesome v6.5.2 -> v6.6.0
- hls.js v1.5.13 -> v1.5.14
- instantsearch.css v8.3.0 -> v8.4.0
- instantsearch.js v4.73.1 -> v4.73.4
- jquery-csv v1.0.22 -> v1.0.40
- jquery-migrate v3.5.0 -> v3.5.2
- jquery-validate v1.20.0 -> v1.21.0
- jqueryui v1.13.3 -> v1.14.0
- jsrender v1.0.14 -> v1.0.15
- libphonenumber-js v1.11.4 -> v1.11.5
- ngx-bootstrap v18.0.0 -> v18.0.2
- p2p-media-loader-core & p2p-media-loader-hlsjs v1.0.3 -> v1.0.4
- p5.js v1.9.4 -> v1.10.0
- react-router v6.24.1 -> v6.26.0
- search-insights v2.15.0 -> v2.16.2
- spin.js v4.1.1 -> v4.1.2
- underscore.js v1.13.6 -> v1.13.7
- video.js v8.17.0 -> v8.17.3
- vue v3.4.31 -> v3.4.37
- vue-router v4.4.0 -> v4.4.3
- Remove UTF-8-BOM in HTML document (#1635)
- Initialize TextDecoder with charset if undefined (#1636)
Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 2.6.70
Rilasciato 13 lug 2024 - 20,53 MBCompatibile con firefox113.0 e successive, android120.0 e successiveUpdated- highlight.js v11.9.0 -> v11.10.0
- tinymce v7.1.2 -> v7.2.1
- algoliasearch v4.23.3 -> v4.24.0
- alpinejs v3.14.0 -> v3.14.1
- bootstrap-table v1.22.6 -> v1.23.0
- dexie v4.0.7 -> v4.0.8
- hls.js v1.5.11 -> v1.5.13
- instantsearch.css v8.2.1 -> v8.3.0
- instantsearch.js v4.71.1 -> v4.73.1
- jquery-csv v1.0.21 -> v1.0.22
- jquery-migrate v3.4.1 -> v3.5.0
- libphonenumber-js v1.11.3 -> v1.11.4
- mdb-ui-kit v7.3.1 -> v7.3.2
- ngx-bootstrap v12.0.0 -> v18.0.0
- noUiSlider v15.8.0 -> v15.8.1
- react-router v6.23.1 -> v6.24.1
- search-insights v2.14.0 -> v2.15.0
- video.js v8.16.0 -> v8.17.0
- vue v3.4.29 -> v3.4.31
- vue-router v4.3.3 -> v4.4.0
- p2p-media-loader-core v1.0.3
- p2p-media-loader-hlsjs v1.0.3
Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 2.6.69
Rilasciato 15 giu 2024 - 20,49 MBCompatibile con firefox113.0 e successive, android120.0 e successiveMapping- pure-min.css to pure.min.css (#1629)
- Wrong version for bulma v0.x (#1632)
- jsrender v1.0.14
- hls.js v1.5.9 -> v1.5.11
- instantsearch.css v8.2.0 -> v8.2.1
- instantsearch.js v4.70.0 -> v4.71.1
- libphonenumber-js v1.11.2 -> v1.11.3
- magnific-popup.js v1.1.0 -> v1.2.0
- mdb-ui-kit v7.3.0 -> v7.3.1
- noUiSlider v15.7.2 -> v15.8.0
- simplebar v6.2.6 -> v6.2.7
- tensorflow v4.19.0 -> v4.20.0
- tinymce v7.1.1 -> v7.1.2
- video.js v8.14.0 -> v8.16.0
- vue v3.4.27 -> v3.4.29
- vue-router v4.3.2 -> v4.3.3
Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 2.6.68
Rilasciato 30 mag 2024 - 20,47 MBCompatibile con firefox113.0 e successive, android120.0 e successiveUpdated- alpinejs v3.13.10 -> v3.14.0
- axios v1.6.8 -> v1.7.2
- bootstrap-table v1.22.5 -> v1.22.6
- bulma v1.0.0 -> v1.0.1
- bxslider v4.2.15 -> v4.2.17
- dexie v4.0.4 -> v4.0.7
- hls.js v1.5.8 -> v1.5.9
- instantsearch.css v8.1.0 -> v8.2.0
- instantsearch.js v4.68.0 -> v4.70.0
- libphonenumber-js v1.10.62 -> v1.11.2
- mdb-ui-kit v7.2.0 -> v7.3.0
- noUiSlider v15.7.1 -> v15.7.2
- p5.js v1.9.3 -> v1.9.4
- react-intl v6.6.6 -> v6.6.8
- react-router v6.23.0 -> v6.23.1
- search-insights v2.13.0 -> v2.14.0
- simplebar v6.2.5 -> v6.2.6
- swagger-ui v5.17.3 -> v5.17.14
- tinymce v7.0.1 -> v7.1.1
- video.js v8.13.0 -> v8.14.0
- vue v3.4.26 -> v3.4.27
Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 2.6.67
Rilasciato 6 mag 2024 - 20,46 MBCompatibile con firefox113.0 e successive, android120.0 e successiveUpdated- alpinejs v3.13.8 -> v3.13.10
- bootstrap-table v1.22.4 -> v1.22.5
- dayjs v1.11.10 -> v1.11.11
- feather-icons v4.29.1 -> v4.29.2
- instantsearch.js v4.66.1 -> v4.68.0
- jqueryui v1.13.2 -> v1.13.3
- libphonenumber-js v1.10.60 -> v1.10.62
- p5.js v1.9.2 -> v1.9.3
- react v18.2.0 -> v18.3.1
- react-dom v18.2.0 -> v18.3.1
- react-intl v6.6.5 -> v6.6.6
- react-router v6.22.3 -> v6.23.0
- swagger-ui v5.15.1 -> v5.17.3
- tensorflow v4.17.0 -> v4.19.0
- video.js v8.11.8 -> v8.13.0
- vue v3.4.21 -> v3.4.26
- vue-i18n v9.12.0 -> v9.13.1
- vue-router v4.3.0 -> v4.3.2
- twitter-bootstrap v5.1.3 (#1624)
- Welcome Page autoclose if check "Allow this extension to run in Private Windows" (#1625)
Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 2.6.66
Rilasciato 13 apr 2024 - 20,4 MBCompatibile con firefox113.0 e successive, android120.0 e successiveUpdated- tinymce v6.8.3 -> v7.0.1
- bulma v0.9.4 -> v1.0.0
- vanilla-lazyload v17.8.8 -> v19.1.3
- materialicons v141 -> v142
- react-intl v6.6.2 -> v6.6.5
- font-awesome v6.5.1 -> v6.5.2
- alpinejs v3.13.7 -> v3.13.8
- swagger-ui v5.12.0 -> v5.15.1
- p5.js v1.9.1 -> v1.9.2
- hls.js v1.5.7 -> v1.5.8
- bootstrap-table v1.22.3 -> v1.22.4
- dexie v3.2.6 -> v4.0.4
- vue-i18n v9.10.2 -> v9.12.0
- webrtc-adapter v8.2.3 -> v9.0.1
- instantsearch.js v4.66.0 -> v4.66.1
- libphonenumber-js v1.10.58 -> v1.10.60
- algoliasearch v4.22.1 -> v4.23.3
- highlight.js v7.x, v8.x, v9.x, v10.x -> v11.x
- FitText.js
- angular-ui-select
- angular-ui-utils
- angular-stripe-checkout
- d3-legend
- drawer
Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 2.6.65
Rilasciato 18 mar 2024 - 21,03 MBCompatibile con firefox113.0 e successive, android120.0 e successiveUpdated- d3 v7.8.5 -> v7.9.0 (9096750ba2)
- axios v1.6.7 -> v1.6.8 (76a887af61)
- v4.7.4 -> v4.7.5 (1be054976b)
- react-router v6.22.2 -> v6.22.3 (cf2cae09e4)
- video.js v8.11.5 -> v8.11.8 (b98d1fd753)
- alpinejs v3.13.5 -> v3.13.7 (5efa34e932)
- swagger-ui v5.11.8 -> v5.12.0 (773beb1697)
- mdb-ui-kit v7.1.0 -> v7.2.0 (e3ba1c8c32)
- p5.js v1.9.0 -> v1.9.1 (9fd7296288)
- vue-i18n v9.9.1 -> v9.10.2 (008db469fe)
- libphonenumber-js v1.10.57 -> v1.10.58 (74dea23e1d)
- docsify themes (#1623)
Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 2.6.64
Rilasciato 1 mar 2024 - 21,02 MBCompatibile con firefox113.0 e successive, android120.0 e successiveUpdated- vue v3.4.15 -> v3.4.21 (e277722b22)
- tinymce v6.8.2 -> v6.8.3 (c637d1b56e)
- twitter-bootstrap v5.3.2 -> v5.3.3 (47afb3e614)
- react-router v6.22.0 -> v6.22.2 (f99b07a6fd)
- video.js v8.11.1 -> v8.11.5 (093f9253e8)
- backbone.js v1.5.0 -> v1.6.0 (e38e56a473)
- swagger-ui v5.11.2 -> v5.11.8 (e2ff54ce18)
- vue-router v4.2.5 -> v4.3.0 (06c9f62631)
- hls.js v1.5.3 -> v1.5.7 (35b8e79403)
- bootstrap-table v1.22.2 -> v1.22.3 (353dde8cff)
- dexie v3.2.4 -> v3.2.6 (c4cb8b2b6b)
- instantsearch.js v4.64.2 -> v4.66.0 (21dbfe807e)
- libphonenumber-js v1.10.55 -> v1.10.57 (6a76aa6cf1)
- vanilla-lazyload v17.8.5 -> v17.8.8 (eec43134f8)
- bootswatch v5.3.2 -> v5.3.3 (856a849ebb)
Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 2.6.63
Rilasciato 4 feb 2024 - 21,01 MBCompatibile con firefox113.0 e successive, android120.0 e successiveUpdated- materialicons v140 -> v141 (6123be7478)
- gsap v3.12.4 -> v3.12.5 (062a90bbdb)
- react-intl v6.5.5 -> v6.6.2 (057c9465eb)
- angular-translate v2.19.0 -> v2.19.1 (8a58c9ca79)
- angular-translate-loader-partial v2.19.0 -> v2.19.1 (e906cdcd59)
- vue v3.4.9 -> v3.4.15 (e420da1243)
- axios v1.6.5 -> v1.6.7 (afb82f6ebc)
- react-router v6.21.1 -> v6.22.0 (f2be418a43)
- video.js v8.9.0 -> v8.11.1 (bab22c90f2)
- alpinejs v3.13.3 -> v3.13.5 (a73b3dbd14)
- swagger-ui v5.11.0 -> v5.11.2 (c8cc450ce8)
- tensorflow v4.16.0 -> v4.17.0 (ed51d96de8)
- hls.js v1.5.1 -> v1.5.3 (1cd7e033fe)
- vue-i18n v9.9.0 -> v9.9.1 (986ce46187)
- instantsearch.js v4.63.0 -> v4.64.2 (a059ea04bd)
- libphonenumber-js v1.10.53 -> v1.10.55 (88be389f55)
- corejs-typeahead v1.3.3 -> v1.3.4 (1ee3575390)
- supabase-js (#1619)
- SWFObject (2f9bdcd6c0)
- docsify -> (#1616)
- Font Awesome v4.7.0 woff -> woff2 (#1617)
Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 2.6.62
Rilasciato 13 gen 2024 - 20,99 MBCompatibile con firefox113.0 e successive, android120.0 e successiveUpdated- vue v3.3.13 -> v3.4.9 (881b142f27)
- axios v1.6.3 -> v1.6.5 (de1450dec7)
- v4.7.2 -> v4.7.4 (8d18fd35ba)
- moment.js v2.30.0 -> v2.30.1 (bad9334a5b)
- video.js v8.8.0 -> v8.9.0 (c6583298f6)
- swagger-ui v5.10.5 -> v5.11.0 (945e841986)
- tensorflow v4.15.0 -> v4.16.0 (cb9783a109)
- hls.js v1.4.14 -> v1.5.1 (4f88928573)
- bootstrap-table v1.22.1 -> v1.22.2 (8bd3e38836)
- vue-i18n v9.8.0 -> v9.9.0 (01c9d77805)
- bootstrap-icons v1.11.2 -> v1.11.3 (a8c01e1308)
- algoliasearch v4.22.0 -> v4.22.1 (5678f07e27)
Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 2.6.61
Rilasciato 29 dic 2023 - 20,97 MBCompatibile con firefox113.0 e successive, android120.0 e successiveUpdated- vue v3.3.11 -> v3.3.13 (3a346eeba8)
- axios v1.6.2 -> v1.6.3 (cbb8f629fc)
- redux v5.0.0 -> v5.0.1 (d0712af389)
- react-router v6.20.1 -> v6.21.1 (65dce2b6ee)
- moment.js v2.29.4 -> v2.30.0 (e66966d8eb)
- video.js v8.7.0 -> v8.8.0 (eebd7895bc)
- swagger-ui v5.10.3 -> v5.10.5 (920adb917a)
- tensorflow v4.14.0 -> v4.15.0 (a42c8b360a)
- gsap v3.12.3 -> v3.12.4 (f5fe905889)
- hls.js v1.4.13 -> v1.4.14 (ba026ff85f)
- instantsearch.js v4.62.0 -> v4.63.0 (ee0626a234)
- libphonenumber-js v1.10.51 -> v1.10.53 (1d5ec6cae0)
- algoliasearch v4.21.0 -> v4.22.0 (ce32d63913)
- Extend the Google Service check and also include subdomains (#1560)
Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 2.6.60
Rilasciato 12 dic 2023 - 20,96 MBCompatibile con firefox113.0 e successive, android120.0 e successiveUpdated- vue v3.3.8 -> v3.3.11 (#1591)
- gsap v3.12.2 -> v3.12.3 (#1592)
- font-awesome v6.4.2 -> v6.5.1 (#1593)
- tinymce v6.7.3 -> v6.8.2 (#1594)
- react-router v6.19.0 -> v6.20.1 (#1595)
- animejs v3.2.1 -> v3.2.2 (#1596)
- Swiper v11.0.4 -> v11.0.5 (#1597)
- alpinejs v3.13.2 -> v3.13.3 (#1598)
- swagger-ui v5.10.0 -> v5.10.3 (#1599)
- p5.js v1.8.0 -> v1.9.0 (#1600)
- tensorflow v4.13.0 -> v4.14.0 (#1601)
- vue-i18n v9.7.0 -> v9.8.0 (#1602)
- bootstrap-icons v1.11.1 -> v1.11.2 (#1603)
- libphonenumber-js v1.10.49 -> v1.10.51 (#1604)
- Chart.js v4.4.0 -> v4.4.1 (#1605)
- video.js v8.6.1 -> v8.7.0 (#1606)
- hls.js v1.4.12 -> v1.4.13 (#1607)
- instantsearch.js v4.60.0 -> v4.62.0 (#1608)
- mdb-ui-kit v7.1.0 (#1609)
- redux v5.0.0 (#1610)
- search-insights v2.11.0 -> v2.13.0 (#1611)
- ngx-bootstrap v11.0.2 -> v12.0.0 (#1612)
- algoliasearch v4.20.0 -> v4.21.0 (#1613)
Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 2.6.59
Rilasciato 19 nov 2023 - 20,84 MBCompatibile con firefox113.0 e successive, android120.0 e successiveUpdated- react-intl v6.5.1 -> v6.5.5 (#1579)
- search-insights v2.9.0 -> v2.11.0 (#1580)
- vue v3.3.7 -> v3.3.8 (#1581)
- axios v1.6.0 -> v1.6.2 (#1582)
- react-router v6.17.0 -> v6.19.0 (#1583)
- Swiper v11.0.3 -> v11.0.4 (#1584)
- swagger-ui v5.9.1 -> v5.10.0 (#1585)
- tensorflow v4.12.0 -> v4.13.0 (#1586)
- tinymce v6.7.2 -> v6.7.3 (#1587)
- vue-i18n v9.6.1 -> v9.7.0 (#1588)
- instantsearch.js v4.59.0 -> v4.60.0 (#1589)
Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 2.6.58
Rilasciato 29 ott 2023 - 20,83 MBCompatibile con firefox113.0 e successive, android120.0 e successiveUpdated- tinymce v6.7.0 -> v6.7.2 (#1562)
- react-intl v6.4.7 -> v6.5.1 (#1563)
- search-insights v2.8.3 -> v2.9.0 (#1564)
- vanilla-lazyload v17.8.4 -> v17.8.5 (#1565)
- alpinejs v3.13.1 -> v3.13.2 (#1566)
- axios v1.5.1 -> v1.6.0 (#1567)
- react-router v6.16.0 -> v6.17.0 (#1568)
- Swiper v10.3.1 -> v11.0.3 (#1569)
- video.js v8.6.0 -> v8.6.1 (#1570)
- vue v3.3.4 -> v3.3.7 (#1571)
- swagger-ui v5.9.0 -> v5.9.1 (#1572)
- p5.js v1.7.0 -> v1.8.0 (#1573)
- tensorflow v4.11.0 -> v4.12.0 (#1574)
- vue-i18n v9.5.0 -> v9.6.1 (#1575)
- instantsearch.js v4.58.0 -> v4.59.0 (#1576)
- libphonenumber-js v1.10.47 -> v1.10.49 (#1577)
- bootswatch -> (#1561)
- datatables -> (#1561)
- bootstrap-select -> (#1561)
- js-cookie -> (#1561)
Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 2.6.57
Rilasciato 12 ott 2023 - 20,82 MBCompatibile con firefox113.0 e successive, android120.0 e successiveUpdated- highlight.js v11.8.0 -> v11.9.0 (#1546)
- search-insights v2.8.2 -> v2.8.3 (#1547)
- axios v1.5.0 -> v1.5.1 (#1548)
- Swiper v10.3.0 -> v10.3.1 (#1549)
- video.js v8.5.3 -> v8.6.0 (#1550)
- alpinejs v3.13.0 -> v3.13.1 (#1551)
- swagger-ui v5.7.2 -> v5.9.0 (#1552)
- mdb-ui-kit v6.4.1 -> v6.4.2 (#1553)
- react-redux v8.1.2 -> v8.1.3 (#1554)
- markdown-it v13.0.1 -> v13.0.2 (#1555)
- jquery-validate v1.19.5 -> v1.20.0 (#1556)
- vue-i18n v9.4.1 -> v9.5.0 (#1557)
- instantsearch.js v4.57.0 -> v4.58.0 (#1558)
- libphonenumber-js v1.10.44 -> v1.10.47 (#1559)
- Update manifest.json to prepare Firefox for Android support and new signing method by Mozilla (#136)
Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 2.6.56
Rilasciato 23 set 2023 - 20,8 MBCompatibile con firefox86.0 e successive, android120.0 e successiveUpdated- search-insights v2.8.1 -> v2.8.2 (#1528)
- react-intl v6.4.4 -> v6.4.7 (#1529)
- swagger-ui v5.4.2 -> v5.7.2 (#1530)
- hls.js v1.4.10 -> v1.4.12 (#1531)
- vue-i18n v9.2.2 -> v9.4.1 (#1532)
- instantsearch.js v4.56.9 -> v4.57.0 (#1533)
- algoliasearch v4.19.1 -> v4.20.0 (#1534)
- twitter-bootstrap v5.3.1 -> v5.3.2 (#1536)
- react-router v6.15.0 -> v6.16.0 (#1537)
- tensorflow v4.10.0 -> v4.11.0 (#1538)
- bootstrap-icons v1.10.5 -> v1.11.1 (#1539)
- dayjs v1.11.9 -> v1.11.10 (#1540)
- bootswatch v5.3.1 -> v5.3.2 (#1541)
- lightgallery v2.7.1 -> v2.7.2 (#1542)
- instantsearch.css v8.0.0 -> v8.1.0 (#1543)
- Swiper v10.2.0 -> v10.3.0 (#1544)
- vue-router v4.2.4 -> v4.2.5 (#1545)
- HTML filter trim spaces in character set detection (#1526)
Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 2.6.55
Rilasciato 3 set 2023 - 20,83 MBCompatibile con firefox86.0 e successive, android120.0 e successiveUpdated- Chart.js v4.3.3 -> v4.4.0 (#1511)
- element-ui v2.15.13 -> v2.15.14 (#1512)
- react-router v6.14.2 -> v6.15.0 (#1513)
- Swiper v10.1.0 -> v10.2.0 (#1514)
- video.js v8.5.1 -> v8.5.3 (#1515)
- foundation v6.7.5 -> v6.8.1 (#1516)
- alpinejs v3.12.3 -> v3.13.0 (#1517)
- swagger-ui v5.3.1 -> v5.4.2 (#1518)
- feather-icons v4.29.0 -> v4.29.1 (#1519)
- tinymce v6.6.1 -> v6.7.0 (#1520)
- instantsearch.js v4.56.8 -> v4.56.9 (#1521)
- libphonenumber-js v1.10.39 -> v1.10.44 (#1522)
- axios v1.4.0 -> v1.5.0 (#1523)
- jquery v3.7.0 -> v3.7.1 (#1524)
- search-insights v2.7.0 -> v2.8.1 (#1525)
Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 2.6.54
Rilasciato 8 ago 2023 - 20,83 MBCompatibile con firefox86.0 e successive, android120.0 e successiveUpdated- twitter-bootstrap v5.3.0 -> v5.3.1 (#1489)
- Chart.js v4.3.0 -> v4.3.3 (#1490)
- react-router v6.14.1 -> v6.14.2 (#1491)
- video.js v8.5.0 -> v8.5.1 (#1492)
- Swiper v10.0.4 -> v10.1.0 (#1493)
- backbone.js v1.4.1 -> v1.5.0 (#1494)
- swagger-ui v5.1.1 -> v5.3.1 (#1495)
- mdb-ui-kit v6.4.0 -> v6.4.1 (#1496)
- react-redux v8.1.1 -> v8.1.2 (#1497)
- tensorflow v4.8.0 -> v4.10.0 (#1498)
- handlebars.js v4.7.7 -> v4.7.8 (#1499)
- bootswatch v5.3.0 -> v5.3.1 (#1500)
- hls.js v1.4.9 -> v1.4.10 (#1501)
- instantsearch.js v4.56.5 -> v4.56.8 (#1502)
- libphonenumber-js v1.10.37 -> v1.10.39 (#1503)
- algoliasearch v4.18.0 -> v4.19.1 (#1504)
- font-awesome v6.4.0 -> v6.4.2 (#1505)
- v4.7.1 -> v4.7.2 (#1506)
- tinymce v6.6.0 -> v6.6.1 (#1507)
Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0