Recensioni per OneTab
OneTab di OneTab Team
335 recensioni
- Valutata 1 su 5di Utente Firefox 12197181, 5 anni faI NEVER post reviews, so you know it is BAD when I'm forced to. Onetab crashed my browser and now I've lost months of research. I just installed the add-on, while I had over 1250 tabs in my browser. After installation I clicked on the icon, thinking it would pop open a selection window like many other add-ons. NOPE, Onetab closed ALL my tabs, which is not what I wanted. I saw the option to restore all so I selected that. It reopened all tabs (1250) but as you may know Firefox cannot handle opening that many tabs at once and it hung Firefox up. I gave it my normal 15 minutes to see if it would recover, it did not so I had to do a forced power off reboot. I've been using Firefox for almost 20 years, so I deeply understand how it handles the hundreds and sometime thousands of tabs I will have open for my research. Of course you can never reload all tabs at one time as when you have to many tabs active it slows down or crashes Firefox. So I reboot my machine once per day or after working on several hundred tabs. When it reopens I can go to the tabs I need to continue work on and only those will open.
After the crash, Only the Onetab tab was open, my 1250 tabs were gone and the Onetab showed no saved tabs. I tried using the standard Firefox "Restore All Tabs" function and it only opened 24 of my 1250 tabs, the rest were completely gone. I tried going to my History and copied all tabs from the last 7 days, but got 3,654 tabs, and I only worked on maybe 300 tabs in the last week. I then copied all tabs from the last month and got 7,359 tabs. While I've never copied tabs from the History section I've never seen numbers like that. I backup all tabs once per week to a bookmark file. When I copy all tabs from there it is always the exact number I have open, in the case of last weeks backup it was 2,641. Last week, as normal, I see it is that high and I go and close as many old research tabs as possible, so that is why this week it was down to 1250 tabs. But not Onetab, while a great concept has cost me the lost of one week of work. I could spend the entire rest of the day painfully going through the last weeks history and reopening every single lost tab, one by one, but this is so painful and I loose another full day of work.
UNINSTALLED, yet another Tab Add-On that causes crashes and corruptions, beware, if you use more then ten tabs as once, DO NOT INSTALL THIS ADD-ON. - Valutata 1 su 5di Utente Firefox 15522991, 5 anni faNot working on Android at all, only my tabs were closed, remove this trash out of Android platform!!!
Have read those comments related to Android now, and there are even many more 1 star comments which are of desktop platform, so it's unbelievable why this f**king VIRUS is still here when it always make frights to its user?!
and when its developer team seems dead?!
I am so mean to try this again and to have any wish on it. Damn! - Valutata 1 su 5di lordkira999, 5 anni fa
- Valutata 1 su 5di FFuserFF, 5 anni fa
- Valutata 1 su 5di Utente Firefox 15494527, 5 anni faThis addon has literally killed 100+ tabs beyond any possible recovery. I have read now the 1 star feedbacks; I should have read them before installation and shouldn't have installed an addon which is more a VIRUS than a tool. I invite all users to report/ complain about the addon because of a major security issue. This product should be banned.
- Valutata 1 su 5di Utente Firefox 13342319, 5 anni faBeware !!! OneTab took my bookmarks and scrambled them. All out of order now with lost date, too. OneTab took my tabs and made a list. When I restored them, 1.) IT PUT THEM BACK IN REVERSE ORDER, 2.) IT OPENED ALL MY TABS WHICH TOOK HOURS TO FINISH OPENING 3.) ABOUT 30% OF THE TABS HAD TO BE MANUALLY OPENED, 4.) AND HERE IS THE BIGGEST BUG: iT SCRAMBLED MY BOOKMARKS !!! WHAT DO MY BOOKMARKS HAVE TO DO WITH MY TABS !!?? Beware, this extension needs a serious bug overhaul and redesign.
- Valutata 1 su 5di RagdollWraith, 5 anni fai should have read the reviews. loved this app on my pc. but now because of this ive lost HUNDREDS(!!!) of tabs! just look at all the other reviews. screw this app. STAY AWAY.
- Valutata 1 su 5di Mason Osborn, 5 anni faTurned my 100+ tabs on Android into a list of 3 tabs. The rest are lost, gone forever.
- Valutata 1 su 5di Samuel Hodgkins, 5 anni faTried to save some incognito tabs with this on Android. It closed all of my incognito tabs but only saved some of them, and even closed all of my non-incognito tabs without saving any of them!
- Valutata 1 su 5di Utente Firefox 13008207, 5 anni faWTF!!! I have more than 400 tabs. When I click the button, All tabs are moved to OneTab's tab. But when I click restore all in OneTab's tab, It only restore the first tab, and all other tabs are gone!
- Valutata 1 su 5di Laurent Meesseman, 5 anni faWorks on Firefox for desktop, but for Android, it just closes all your tabs and leaves you with an empty page. Unfortunately, Firefox can only restore the latest 10 tabs.
- Valutata 1 su 5di Utente Firefox 14527474, 5 anni fa
- Valutata 1 su 5di Utente Firefox 15281697, 5 anni faFirefox auf Android 6.1 (ein Gerät mit 4 Rechenkernen, 1GB Arbeitsspeicher, ... Damit wäre die Apollo-Mission ein Kinderspiel gewesen, insbesondere Apollo 13). Das Addon macht aus 300 Tabs, mit denen der Browser noch problemlos arbeiten kann 2 (ZWEI!) Einträge in der erzeugten Liste und vernichtet die Web-Links zuverlässig. Wie schwer kann es sein aus Tablinks eine Liste mit 300 Zeilen zu erzeugen? Unter Windows funktioniert es!?
0 Points, 0 Punkte. Angesichts des Schadenspotentials kann man nicht von kostenlosem Addon sorechen. Caution! Dangerous! - Valutata 1 su 5di Utente Firefox 15260414, 6 anni faHad 78 tabs open. This app closed all 78 but only saved 6. How on earth does this app have a "recommended" badge if it so grosdly fails at its one simple task. Absolutely shameful.
- Valutata 1 su 5di pipotron3000, 6 anni faIt trashed ALL tabs. Simple as that.
There is NO integrated backup/restore.
By chance, i only stored not so important tabs in it.
More than that : once it is crashed, it stays like this.
And when you add ANOTHER tab ... it simply disappear, because it is closed AND not stored. - Valutata 1 su 5di Utente Firefox 15243047, 6 anni faDon't install this add-on unless you want all your existing tabs wiped out with no way to restore them. I had over 100 tabs I was looking to back up or make a list of, and I lost all of them.
- Valutata 1 su 5di Utente Firefox 15238107, 6 anni fa
- Valutata 1 su 5di Utente Firefox 15237298, 6 anni faDestroys tab groups/hidden tab status and uninstalling will NOT restore your tabs to their rightful place. Make sure you have a backup of your profile before using this.
- Valutata 1 su 5di Utente Firefox 15230551, 6 anni faTotal failure! I've had several hundreds tabs opened, so I've installed One Tab for Android Firefox to move them to the OneTab list. Result? 2 (two!) tabs saved, the rest is gone, without any option to restore. Thanks a lot, OneTab 😕
- Valutata 1 su 5di Utente Firefox 15226910, 6 anni fa
- Valutata 1 su 5di Utente Firefox 13159351, 6 anni fa
- Valutata 1 su 5di Utente Firefox 15137481, 6 anni faThis used to work well, but the last few months I have kept opening Firefox to discover I don't have any tabs or even "One Tab" I am totally fed up with it!! Rubbish
- Valutata 1 su 5di Utente Firefox 15134032, 6 anni faI lost all my tab, and the file storage.js was modified 4 months ago.
- Valutata 1 su 5di Utente Firefox 15128705, 6 anni fa
- Valutata 1 su 5di Utente Firefox 12373428, 6 anni faOne last edit I'm reading these high rated reviews and are they rating the desktop version. I mean it seems like those are reviews for the PC versions.
Who goes into task manager on Android Firefox. Or calls it FF when they are reviewing the Android one.
Anyone else seeing this or am I just way too suspicious and of how anyone could rate the mobile version as 4 or 5 stars. Show a screen recording of anyone saving 40 tabs on the mobile extension.
Update again, shouldn't have deleted my old old old review which already went over this
From the get go everyone has the same problem. Saves like 3 tabs 10 max and all my old tabs are gone. We get it, those aren't technically tabs you have open they are your history. That's how Firefox is doing it idk I don't code that just seems obvious but then why when we all say this is the best thing ever and I have been since it came out do you not care about people browsing on Android. I don't want to drag my laptop with me everywhere. Is there a workaround you can recommend. Like having a background feature that reloads all your ""historytabs"" before onetab does it's magic? It just sucks on Android idk why I have it installed but I always do. How has nobody else taken over your extension on Android. I get we aren't paying for it but eh I guess do whatever then. I can't complain I get what I get. Just onetab on a real pc filled a huge need for a lot of people. You guys are awesome really hate this though.
2020 update. Deleting my 2 year old review or however old. Love onetab been using it since 2012 or so whenever it came out. I was one of the people who fell in love with it and have been recommending it and installing it every time I have to set up a new laptop or pc. It goes Ublock, then onetab, then whatever I find useful.
I have a question not really a complaint because I am a fan of how much this add-on helps me out. I have ADHD and I have had over 700 tabs open at one point between chrome and Firefox but can you please stop one tab from opening every time I open the browser. It's a nuisance and a chore to swipe them all away and it inevitably takes away the first thing I try to get to.