Taaabs - Zero-knowledge bookmarks
Unlock the joy of your web research. Privately clip any page to your personal library. Assist browsing with ChatGPT.
29 utenti
SwiftDial Launcher
Riporta la libertà di lanciare la tua homepage preferita anche su browser mobili testardi.
25 utenti
Wedone Bloc Note
Un bloc-notes simple pour conserver vos notes.
24 utenti
URL Optimizer
Automatically optimizes Amazon URLs to the shortest possible form. Simplifying long and complex URLs makes them easier to manage, bookmark, share, and identify duplicate tabs. 💖 No user information is transmitted to/collected by the developer(s).
23 utenti
Youtube List Player
Facility for playlist of youtube clips
20 utenti
Magic Gourd: Web Highlight & Note Assistant
Magic Gourd Browser Extension is designed specifically for highlighting text and images and taking notes on any webpage. While reading, if you come across something that inspires you, a simple click will highlight it.
19 utenti
Wishful Shopping
Wishlist where you can bookmark webpages and all their metadata, name, picture, and price if any
18 utenti
Shaanti a bookmark extension for Shaarli using the API
17 utenti
NAS Bookmarks Sync
Sync NAS Bookmarks
15 utenti
Spurls (Simple private URL shortener)
Simple private URL shortener.
13 utenti
Based Highlighter
Pure and simple perfect webpage highlighter. Just select the text, right-click menu option to highlight. All your saved highlights displayed on a single index page, with import/export. Highlights displayed (of course) when you reload the page.
8 utenti
Letter Carrier - Certified Mail
Introducing the "Letter Carrier - Certified Mail Online" Firefox extension – your key to revolutionizing how you handle certified mail effortlessly and efficiently.
7 utenti
6 utenti
Scan the current webpage for exposed API keys and display them here.
6 utenti
Create your personal web archive.
6 utenti
6 utenti
It's like a Time Machine for your browser. Search through everything you've seen and find that thing you don't know where you looked up.
6 utenti
Owl Eyes
Easily save and find web pages and articles you've seen before.
5 utenti
Leetcode FRIENDS
leetcode extension to store usernames of friends.
5 utenti
Quick Notes by bluedrondev
Easily capture your thoughts and ideas with QuickNote, a simple, stylish browser extension that lets you take notes right where you are. Write anything you want to remember and store here.
5 utenti
View Github Issues&PRs
Adds a shortcut button to a user's Github profile page to view the issues and pull requests posted by that user.
5 utenti
This browser extension enhances word interaction by underlining words on mouseover and capturing context when words are clicked. The captured information is sent to Emacs via org-protocol and displayed in the *paw-view-note* buffer.
4 utenti
4 utenti
SIFT Save Bookmark
Save the title and URL of the current page to SIFT as a bookmark entry.
4 utenti
Daily Tab
Automatically opens tabs at a given time every day.
4 utenti