Deck transfer for Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel and Neuron
Import and export Yu-Gi-Oh! decks from Master Duel and Neuron in YDK format and YDKE URLs via Konami's official card database.
1.160 utenti
Letterboxd Extras
Display ratings from other film sites (and many other nifty extras) directly on Letterboxd, fully customizable.
1.117 utenti
Gladiatus Crazy Add On
This crazy add on changes the game for real to fit you! This add on adds more features in the game, but you can enable only the features you want!
1.091 utenti
Sink It for Reddit
Upgrade your Reddit experience with color coded comments, easier nav, sub-reddit blocking, gestures for upvoting, ad+nag blocking, and more. It's like RES, for mobile!
1.081 utenti
Play videos at the highest quality, dynamically resize video player, 4x playback speed, extra hotkeys to loop video and autoplay, and more! Works on mobile, desktop, and embed videos.
1.078 utenti
A Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP) extension for modern web browsers that allows for full page and selected text speed-reading of web content.
1.067 utenti
Toolbox for Google Play Store™
Enhances the Google Play Store™ with various features.
871 utenti
Torii Image Translator - using GPT-4
Translate any image on any website in any language! Perfect for Manga, Manhwa, Manhua, Comics, Memes or any image at all!
862 utenti
恰饭?桌子都给你掀了(/= _ =)/~┴┴ 带你精准空降到恰饭结束或者高能时刻,自动跳过视频中的赞助广告、订阅提醒等片段。你也可以亲自标记视频中的广告并上传,所有人都会从您的贡献中受益。
846 utenti
Custom skins, background music, sound effects, (animated) backgrounds, input display, and touch control support for TETR.IO.
806 utenti
Tools for Autodarts
Tools for Autodarts enhances the gaming experience on
766 utenti
Sakuga Extended
Enjoy a better experience with SAKUGABOORU! Previews on posts, frame control on videos...
687 utenti
Gifs autoplay for Google™
Autoplays gifs on Google™ Search Images.
637 utenti
ao3 saver
automatically backup ao3 works so you never lose what you're reading again
532 utenti
531 utenti
Transform your chat experience on Kick with 7TV emotes, quality of life features and performance improvements.
446 utenti
Возвращает видеоплеер на сайт Шикимори ( и с возможностью загрузки видео!
438 utenti
Twitter UI Customizer
426 utenti
Stop Malware Content
Limita l'accesso a siti web dannosi e potenzialmente indesiderati.
425 utenti
H264 Convert
Speed up ur videos!
402 utenti
Homestuck Companion
Adds commentary, keyboard navigation and useful information to the pages of stories, and redirects links to The Unofficial Homestuck Collection, if installed.
385 utenti
iMSteam - Search on alternative sites
Adds the function to search for a game on Steam in alternative sites like: (FitGirl | Dodi Repacks | OnlineFix... and more)
381 utenti
Enhancer for Nebula
Enhancer for Nebula. Adds quality of life features to the nebula player.
366 utenti
Roblox Free Item Autobuyer
Get free items from Roblox catalog.
365 utenti
MHO Addon
Optimizer for MyHordes - Documentation & fonctionnalités :, rubrique Tutoriels
360 utenti