Avoid screen burn-in, image persistence and ghost image with a css animation which move periodically the body of web pages.
4 utenti
Wordle Keyboard Fixer
Adds click and tap indications to the Wordle keyboard.
4 utenti
Sync Map & Notion
Add google maps places to Notion with ease
3 utenti
Roxybikeonline Notizen
Erlaubt Notizen in Lektionen der
3 utenti
The Aalto University course listing in offers quite poor options for filtering which courses are shown. This extension adds filtering by course code prefix and by the period in which the course is held.
3 utenti
Improve Crunchyroll Calendar
Améliorer l'affichage du Calendrier Crynchyroll.
3 utenti
If you can't make what you want to do easy, make the things you shouldn't do hard!
3 utenti
3 utenti
Prevents you from wasting your time and your brain on YouTube Shorts.
3 utenti
Codeforces Helper
Enhance Codeforces with an easy contest participant checker and user submission rating viewer.
3 utenti
RWTH Sign-In Extender
The duration of sign-ins is being extended on all websites.
3 utenti
Twitter Rollback Analytics
Hide some analytics elements in some Tweet Views
3 utenti
This extension highlights classes of particular study in IS of so you don't have to compare them manually by yourself. It also grabs UCO from student email address in Outlook365 and place it above it for simpler copying.
3 utenti
Nostr Army Knife webExtension
3 utenti
Set `Expires/Max-Age` to now() + 1month instead of session cookie for
3 utenti
C counter
This is a very simple add-on. It allows you to count the number of the letter C in a text which you input.
3 utenti
VA Native Plant Search
Find out if a plant is native to VA by searching the VA Plant Atlas website based on selected text.
3 utenti
Japanese dictionary with Anki integration. This is a development build.
3 utenti
Hover Copy - Copy Texts Easily
Click to copy text directly by hovering and clicking on any element.
3 utenti
Add additional features to Regi
3 utenti
Adblock Rocket
An adblocker extension designed for YouTube and other sites.
3 utenti
Easily create high quality zettelkasten cards.
3 utenti
DS Library Люди Более
Отображение информации о клиентах специально для Людей Более. Display information from the client data for users matching a specific ID list.
2 utenti
Changes url to something else. it maybe a redirection to mirror. For the first version it just redirects from to instance.
2 utenti
Filter out movies you don't want to see or have already seen on
2 utenti