No ParaSite - Best Site Blocker
Block sites and enhance your productivity with customizable limiting techniques and features. All for free. Pause/Block all distractions. Website Blocker Add-on Extension for Firefox
3 utenti
Lügat - Yeni Sekme Sözlüğü
Lügat, açtığınız her yeni sekmede bir atasözü, deyim veya kelimeyle birlikte anlamını vererek kelime dağarcığınızı geliştirir.
3 utenti
Add a tint effect to a webpage to make it better.
3 utenti
Collava - Quick Save
Never lose an idea again. Save anything to with one click.
2 utenti
Plunzi Startpage
Overhaul your new tab page with modern styling, different search engines, the ability to use AI features, beautiful themes & more!
1 utente
Dark theme pour le cémantix et le pédantix
1 utente
1 utente
An extension for Echo that implements fixes, features, and redesigns, all aimed at enhancing the overall experience of using Echo.
0 utenti