CareSquad AI - Free scam detection for anyone
We use AI to protect you and loved ones from scams. Scam detection for tech support scams, phishing, shopping scams and more.
5 utenti
URL Original
Protects users against website impersonation and phishing, ensuring safe browsing and personal data protection.
5 utenti
YewTube Redirect
Enhance privacy and enjoy ad-free YouTube with seamless redirection to
4 utenti
Seraphic Web Security - Connect
Seraphic Security gives enterprises protection and control right where they need it: directly in the browser, regardless of which browser it is, whether it is installed on a corporate or personal device, or if the user is an employee or a 3rd party
4 utenti
SafeScope - Web Security Analysis Extension SafeScope is a Firefox browser extension that analyzes the security of websites.
3 utenti
Set Queye as your default search engine and search like a pro.
2 utenti
Search SimeonOnSecurity
Search SimeonOnSecurity directly from the browser.
2 utenti
1 Tıkla Google Sayfa Hız Testi
1 Tıkla google page speed testi yapın. Eklent simgesine tıklamanız yeterli.
1 utente
Disable Umami
A WebExtension to disable Umami Analytics.
1 utente
Opens all the HTML comments of the current page on a new tab
1 utente
Smart Password Generator
Generates unique passwords using a master password and the current website’s domain.
1 utente
Floft Web Security
0 utenti