네이버 블로그 모바일 뷰 화면의 가독성을 올려줍니다.
5 utenti
CSS Insight
CSS Insight – your go-to solution for fast and efficient style management directly in your browser!
4 utenti
WAFRN Tweaks
Some tweaks for WAFRN
4 utenti
View Github Issues&PRs
Adds a shortcut button to a user's Github profile page to view the issues and pull requests posted by that user.
4 utenti
dcinside no bad request
Firefox add-on to prevent HTTP 400 errors caused by exceeding the header length limit
4 utenti
Tiira search filter
Add filtering and sorting to the search results
3 utenti
Obliterates rounded corners.
3 utenti
3 utenti
Show Pocket Button
Show a pocket button and a close tab button on each active tab to save the web page.
3 utenti
Redirects you to a TMKOC search with a random episode number so you don't have to decide what episode to choose.
3 utenti
Reddit Mobile Chat Fix
Fixes reddit chat ( for mobile devices.
3 utenti
simple way to reveal password inputs on chrome - for lazies
3 utenti
Show Close Tab Button
Show a close button on each active tab to close it.
2 utenti
Relógio HD
Uma nova página de guia em formato de relógio com horário e data.
2 utenti
Fatamorgana Plus
Integration of Fatamorgana with Myhordes website. Features: - Highlight the next move on Myhordes, by selecting the expedition route on FataMorgana.
2 utenti
Büyük Küçük Harf Dönüştürü
Büyük küçük harf dönüştürücü eklentisi ile başka bir siteye girmeye gerek kalmadan metninizi ekletinin içerik alanına girerek: İster metnin tümünü büyük harfe, ister tümünü küçük harfe veya sadece cümle başlarını büyük harf yapabilirsiniz.
2 utenti
Github Wiki See Redirecter
Redirect to original Github wiki page from
2 utenti
OpenProject wiki collapser
Automatically collapses all wiki-sidemenu topics of Open project.
2 utenti
Discord Quiet - Mute All Servers
Automatically mute and unmute all your Discord servers with a single click.
1 utente
Answer checker for Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese
1 utente
MC Tools
Makes the MC website more useful
1 utente
Pistes dinàmiques per el paraulògic
1 utente
Tweet Diff
Diff checker on tweet edit history
1 utente
Candy Comic Reader
Protects your comic reading progress
1 utente
A transparent whiteboard to directly doodle on webpages.
1 utente