Cronologia versioni di SBAHJifier - 1 versione
SBAHJifier di Isaiah Odhner
Cronologia versioni di SBAHJifier - 1 versione
Attenzione alle versioni datate. Sono visualizzate solamente per scopi di test e di riferimento.È raccomandato usare sempre l’ultima versione di un componente aggiuntivo.
Ultima versione
Versione 1.1.3
Rilasciato 29 nov 2020 - 4,27 MBCompatibile con firefox48.0 e successive- Also apply misspellings to generated graphic headings/buttons. Only things that were originally images are safe from typos now!
- Fix google search result page sometimes going blank when triggering the extension, due to `<noscript>` content becoming active. (Only sometimes because it would apply misspellings to the content before adding it to the page as HTML so the `<style>` tag they had (that makes most stuff invisible)'s rules didn't usually apply (since they'd be spelled wrong.))
- Avoid dynamic HTML everywhere (even tho the rest of the cases should have been safe)
- Show error in popup unless the script injection is definitely successful (previously it would think it was successful on browser builtin pages such as about:addons)Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Licenza MIT
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