Cronologia versioni di Blacken - 6 versioni
Attenzione alle versioni datate. Sono visualizzate solamente per scopi di test e di riferimento.È raccomandato usare sempre l’ultima versione di un componente aggiuntivo.
Ultima versione
Versione 2.3.6
Rilasciato 9 gen 2020 - 60,74 kBCompatibile con firefox56.0 e successiveVersion 2.3.6 has been upgraded to work with FF 72 and later.
(You may notice that the toolbar icon has grown larger. Mozilla is getting fussier about the icons).Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 1.1
Scarica Firefox e installa l’estensioneDevi utilizzare Firefox per poter installare questa estensioneVersioni precedenti
Versione 2.3.5
Rilasciato 13 mag 2019 - 59,88 kBCompatibile con firefox56.0 e successiveImportant bug fixes for background estimation.
The behaviour of the Blacken and Whiten commands has been altered to
disregard the background. This makes them more useful as manual overrides
of text colour.Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 1.1
Versione 2.3.4
Rilasciato 19 ott 2018 - 56,75 kBCompatibile con firefox56.0 e successiveThis adds some more tuning parameters. The speed on complicated
pages has also been increased.Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 1.1
Versione 2.3.3
Rilasciato 18 ott 2018 - 56,03 kBCompatibile con firefox56.0 e successiveSome web sites, e.g. the Washington Post, generate large numbers of apparent changes to the page, up to several hundred per second. (I suspect a Google script is to blame). This overloaded the Blacken add-on which clogged Firefox. This was most apparent on Windows. This version copes better with the problem.
Also there is a fix that makes the whitelists work again.Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 1.1
Versione 2.3.2
Rilasciato 7 lug 2018 - 55,14 kBCompatibile con firefox56.0 e successive, android da 56.0 a 68.*This has been updated for version 62 of firefox. It only has minimal fixes.Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 1.1
Versione 2.3.1
Rilasciato 12 nov 2017 - 54,21 kBCompatibile con firefox56.0 e successive, android da 56.0 a 68.*This is the first Web Extensions version. You must have first upgraded to 2.2.33 in order to preserve your settings.
Most things still work as well as before. However control over the grayness of placeholder text has been lost. You can still change it manually.Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 1.1