Click for metrics di Nyvre
Converts imperial units to metrics on icon click
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Metadati estensione

Informazioni sull’estensione
Click for metrics will convert for you imperial units found on page to metric ones. You can choose a conversion method in add-on's settings:
- conversion upon add-on's icon click
- converting automatically on all pages
You can also choose the details of the look of converted units (e. g. color of affected units).
It supports:
- units used in recipes (fl oz, cups, oz, ...)
- distance units (inch, foot, mile, yard)
- temperature (F -> C)
- speed (mph -> km/h)
This add-on can read mixed numbers (e.g. 2 1/2) and fractions (e.g. 1/4).
It is also prepared for special cases like: dimensional type (1 x 1 inch -> 2.54 x 2.54cm) or interval (1 - 2 fl oz -> 29.57 - 59.15ml).
More units are coming on in next releases. Feedback is always welcome, please contact me on: marcin.krezolek@mail.ch
Icon for this add-on (owl with calculator) has been prepared by @0Sue3 Twitter: twitter.com/0Sue3
- conversion upon add-on's icon click
- converting automatically on all pages
You can also choose the details of the look of converted units (e. g. color of affected units).
It supports:
- units used in recipes (fl oz, cups, oz, ...)
- distance units (inch, foot, mile, yard)
- temperature (F -> C)
- speed (mph -> km/h)
This add-on can read mixed numbers (e.g. 2 1/2) and fractions (e.g. 1/4).
It is also prepared for special cases like: dimensional type (1 x 1 inch -> 2.54 x 2.54cm) or interval (1 - 2 fl oz -> 29.57 - 59.15ml).
More units are coming on in next releases. Feedback is always welcome, please contact me on: marcin.krezolek@mail.ch
Icon for this add-on (owl with calculator) has been prepared by @0Sue3 Twitter: twitter.com/0Sue3
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PermessiUlteriori informazioni
Questo componente aggiuntivo necessita di:
- Accedere alle attività durante la navigazione
- Accedere ai dati di tutti i siti web
Ulteriori informazioni
- Link componente aggiuntivo
- Versione
- 2.3.3
- Dimensione
- 42,2 kB
- Ultimo aggiornamento
- 3 anni fa (20 set 2021)
- Categorie correlate
- Licenza
- Solo GNU General Public License v3.0
- Cronologia versioni
Aggiungi alla raccolta
Altre estensioni di Nyvre
- Non ci sono ancora valutazioni
- Non ci sono ancora valutazioni
- Non ci sono ancora valutazioni
- Non ci sono ancora valutazioni
- Non ci sono ancora valutazioni
- Non ci sono ancora valutazioni