E.A.C.H. Two Word Story 07 -Fulfilled di CollieSmile
EACH=Everyone-A Chance to Hear. Have You heard the incredible story of Jesus Christ? His story is True Love, for all people everywhere. Fulfilled? No I was not! I looked for fulfillment in many areas of my life. I pretended to be content, but I was faking it, fooling everybody but myself—and God. Then I learned of Jesus Christ's painful suffering on the cross. He cared so much for me that he was willing to suffer for my sake. When I accepted that, my life was transformed. He gave me joy and a reason for living. I truly felt fulfilled. For anyone reading this I wish for you the same rewarding experience that I am having. Google “EACH campaign Detroit†to learn more. I believe the Michigan EACH movement will spread throughout the USA and beyond. People everywhere will find true fulfillment in Jesus Christ. The more people who find him, the better off the world will be. C0l1 2
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- Non ci sono ancora valutazioni
- Non ci sono ancora valutazioni
- Non ci sono ancora valutazioni
- Non ci sono ancora valutazioni
- Non ci sono ancora valutazioni
- Non ci sono ancora valutazioni
- Versione
- 2.0
- Dimensione
- 41,95 kB
- Ultimo aggiornamento
- 6 anni fa (13 mag 2019)
- Categorie correlate
- Licenza
- Creative Commons Attribuzione-Condividi allo stesso modo 3.0
- Cronologia versioni