Cronologia versioni di Falcon - 5 versioni
Attenzione alle versioni datate. Sono visualizzate solamente per scopi di test e di riferimento.È raccomandato usare sempre l’ultima versione di un componente aggiuntivo.
Ultima versione
Versione 0.4.1
Rilasciato 28 feb 2024 - 328,1 kBCompatibile con firefox48.0 e successiveFalcon 0.4.1 is here! 🦅
Falcon version 0.4.0 introduces several enhancements and fixes, making your browsing history search experience even better. Here's what's new:
Features:- Show All Results on Enter: Instantly view all search results with a simple Enter key press for a smoother experience.
- Optimized History Table: Preferences page history table is now optimized for better user interface.
- Export for Saved Websites: Easily export your saved websites to check old versions of the websites.
- Avoid Saving Unchanged Websites: Falcon now avoids saving unchanged websites during revisits, reducing unnecessary duplication.
Bug Fixes:- Falcon History Fix: Resolved issues related to Falcon history.
- Notie Fix: Addressed problems with Notie, ensuring reliable notification functionality.
- Default Blacklist Fix: Fixed the default blacklist to exclude bank websites.
- Site and Page Blacklist Fix: Addressed issues when excluding entire websites or specific pages, providing better control over the content you want to exclude from indexing.
Optimizations:- Optimized Omnibox text for Firefox: Improved omnibox text for a better user experience on Firefox.
- Get Rid of innerHTML: Enhanced security by replacing innerHTML with more robust content handling.
- Semantic UI Integration: Used Semantic UI where possible for improved visual appeal and usability.
Changes of 0.4.1:- Fix Search with Dates: Fixed search functionality when using date parameters.
- No Entry Message: Added a message if no history entry is found.
Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Solo GNU General Public License v3.0
Scarica Firefox e installa l’estensioneDevi utilizzare Firefox per poter installare questa estensioneVersioni precedenti
Versione 0.4.0
Rilasciato 28 feb 2024 - 328 kBCompatibile con firefox48.0 e successiveFalcon 0.4.0 is here! 🦅
Falcon version 0.4.0 introduces several enhancements and fixes, making your browsing history search experience even better. Here's what's new:
Features:- Show All Results on Enter: Instantly view all search results with a simple Enter key press for a smoother experience.
- Optimized History Table: Preferences page history table is now optimized for better user interface.
- Export for Saved Websites: Easily export your saved websites to check old versions of the websites.
- Avoid Saving Unchanged Websites: Falcon now avoids saving unchanged websites during revisits, reducing unnecessary duplication.
Bug Fixes:- Falcon History Fix: Resolved issues related to Falcon history.
- Notie Fix: Addressed problems with Notie, ensuring reliable notification functionality.
- Default Blacklist Fix: Fixed the default blacklist to exclude bank websites.
- Site and Page Blacklist Fix: Addressed issues when excluding entire websites or specific pages, providing better control over the content you want to exclude from indexing.
Optimizations:- Optimized Omnibox text for Firefox: Improved omnibox text for a better user experience on Firefox.
- Get Rid of innerHTML: Enhanced security by replacing innerHTML with more robust content handling.
- Semantic UI Integration: Used Semantic UI where possible for improved visual appeal and usability.
Upgrade to Falcon v0.4.0 now for a more seamless browsing experience!Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Solo GNU General Public License v3.0
Versione 0.3.1
Rilasciato 27 dic 2023 - 327,64 kBCompatibile con firefox48.0 e successive, android120.0 e successiveAdded a dark theme of the preferences page, fixed typo.Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Solo GNU General Public License v3.0
Versione 0.3.0
Rilasciato 21 dic 2023 - 327,64 kBCompatibile con firefox48.0 e successiveAdded a dark theme of the preferences page.Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Solo GNU General Public License v3.0
Versione 0.2.4
Rilasciato 18 ago 2021 - 332,84 kBCompatibile con firefox48.0 e successiveCodice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Solo GNU General Public License v3.0