Cronologia versioni di FoxClocks - 10 versioni
FoxClocks di Andy McDonald
Attenzione alle versioni datate. Sono visualizzate solamente per scopi di test e di riferimento.È raccomandato usare sempre l’ultima versione di un componente aggiuntivo.
Ultima versione
Versione 6.0.0
Rilasciato 29 ott 2020 - 797,2 kBCompatibile con firefox57.0 e successiveCodice sorgente rilasciato sotto Tutti i diritti riservati
Scarica Firefox e installa l’estensioneDevi utilizzare Firefox per poter installare questa estensioneVersioni precedenti
Versione 5.2.5
Rilasciato 8 lug 2019 - 798,11 kBCompatibile con firefox57.0 e successiveThis version of FoxClocks updates the time zone database.Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Tutti i diritti riservati
Versione 5.2.2
Rilasciato 25 mar 2019 - 771,72 kBCompatibile con firefox57.0 e successiveCodice sorgente rilasciato sotto Tutti i diritti riservati
Versione 5.1.5
Rilasciato 20 apr 2018 - 769,76 kBCompatibile con firefox57.0 e successive, android da 57.0 a 68.*Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Tutti i diritti riservati
Versione 5.1.3
Rilasciato 3 apr 2018 - 769,58 kBCompatibile con firefox57.0 e successive, android da 57.0 a 68.*This version of FoxClocks starts up faster, fixes a number of bugs, and adds support for Opera and Microsoft Edge (note that we haven't released FoxClocks on these platforms yet). We've also updated the time zone database.
Internally FoxClocks now uses secure (https) URLs wherever possible - and, but not, which is used for search functionality, but doesn't support secure communication. Bug fixes:
- Fix clocks not being created in statusbar for some slow-loading web-pages
- Pick up global time format change instantly, not waiting till next clock tick
- Handle body element not existing when calculating where to put time zone details popup
We've also made some boring internal technical changes including switching the entire codebase to ES6/ES0215 (including hooks for modules as soon as there is full browser support). We've also removed support for legacy Mozilla extension settings.Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Tutti i diritti riservati
Versione 4.8.9
Rilasciato 19 mar 2018 - 770,67 kBCompatibile con firefox57.0 e successive, android da 57.0 a 68.*In this version of FoxClocks we've
- improved the FoxClocks Popup window (opens when you click the FoxClocks icon to the right of the address bar). You can now search for, add, move and delete clocks directly in the Popup, without needing to open the Options window
- Improved the Options window: you can now delete clocks just by hovering over them and clicking the red 'delete' icon. We've also made some minor aesthetic improvements
- fixed the Zone Picker and time zone search results, which were showing as English in non-English environments
- fixed some compatibility issues between the FoxClocks statusbar and some web pages
We've also made some boring internal technical changes such as migrating from jQuery Deferreds to ES6 Promises and logging most console messages at 'debug' levelCodice sorgente rilasciato sotto Tutti i diritti riservati
Versione 4.7.2
Rilasciato 22 feb 2018 - 760,74 kBCompatibile con firefox57.0 e successive, android da 57.0 a 68.*Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Tutti i diritti riservati
Versione 4.6.1
Rilasciato 16 gen 2018 - 755,71 kBCompatibile con firefox57.0 e successive, android da 57.0 a 68.*Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Tutti i diritti riservati
Versione 4.4.9
Rilasciato 24 nov 2017 - 756,37 kBCompatibile con firefox57.0 e successive, android da 57.0 a 68.*This is an update to 4.4.8, addressing a few significant issues:
- Fixed FoxClocks statusbar being included on printed media
- Improved Options page - this now opens in a new tab
- Made 'delete' icon in the Option page's Watchlist more discoverable
- Fixed broken Zone Picker in Firefox 58
Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Tutti i diritti riservati
Versione 4.4.8
Rilasciato 18 nov 2017 - 756,05 kBCompatibile con firefox57.0 e successive, android da 57.0 a 68.*Welcome to the new FoxClocks, nothing like the old FoxClocks!
This incarnation is the same as FoxClocks for Google Chrome, which you can find here.
With Firefox Quantum, 'legacy' extensions such as the original FoxClocks no longer run, and new-style extensions are much more limited in their ability to modify the browser; they can't, for example, create or add to a statusbar or toolbar. We've added a simulated FoxClocks statusbar, but are aware that it can occasionally interfere with web pages - you can close the statusbar on any page, or disable it entirely from the options. Read more about how the next FoxClocks works here
Thanks for your understanding.
AndyCodice sorgente rilasciato sotto Tutti i diritti riservati