Game Assistant di Gamake
Game Assistant compares game's prices between Epic Games, Gog and Steam and notify about the best offer. Also a user can create his own list with games which prices he want to track and get notifications about its changes.
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Informazioni sull’estensione
Track games price story. Get notifications about the most recent discounts.
Find the best price of your favorite games!
If you want to buy a game, but you don’t want to waste your time comparing the game's price in Epic Games, Gog and Steam, Game Assistant will do it for you!
With our extension when you visit a game’s page, you will get notification about its best price with an option to follow a link on a site with the most favorable price.
Let’s imagine that you found the best price on a game, but it’s still too high. Game Assistant will also help you with this problem! You can just add this game to your tracking list. And as soon as the price changes you will get a notification!
Moreover the list of the most selling games and recent discounts are always available.
You can also personalize your notifications, activate or deactivate the “Watch” button, and change a theme of the extension.
• Notifications about the best games price.
• Creating a list of games to track their price.
• Notifications about price changing of the game from tracking list.
• Changing the notification settings.
• Changing theme of the extension.
• History of the games viewed.
• List of the most selling games and recent discounts.
Find the best price of your favorite games!
If you want to buy a game, but you don’t want to waste your time comparing the game's price in Epic Games, Gog and Steam, Game Assistant will do it for you!
With our extension when you visit a game’s page, you will get notification about its best price with an option to follow a link on a site with the most favorable price.
Let’s imagine that you found the best price on a game, but it’s still too high. Game Assistant will also help you with this problem! You can just add this game to your tracking list. And as soon as the price changes you will get a notification!
Moreover the list of the most selling games and recent discounts are always available.
You can also personalize your notifications, activate or deactivate the “Watch” button, and change a theme of the extension.
• Notifications about the best games price.
• Creating a list of games to track their price.
• Notifications about price changing of the game from tracking list.
• Changing the notification settings.
• Changing theme of the extension.
• History of the games viewed.
• List of the most selling games and recent discounts.
Valuta la tua esperienza utente
PermessiUlteriori informazioni
Questo componente aggiuntivo necessita di:
- Visualizzare notifiche
- Accedere alle schede
- Accedere ai dati utente dei siti inclusi nel dominio opera-api.com
- Accedere ai dati utente dei siti inclusi nel dominio igdb.com
- Accedere ai dati utente dei siti inclusi nel dominio steammachine.ru
- Accedere ai dati utente dei siti inclusi nel dominio steampowered.com
- Accedere ai dati utente dei siti inclusi nel dominio steampay.com
- Accedere ai dati utente dei siti inclusi nel dominio epicgames.com
- Accedere ai dati utente dei siti inclusi nel dominio gog.com
- Accedere ai dati utente di steampowered.com
- Accedere ai dati utente di steambuy.com
- Accedere ai dati utente di epicgames.com
- Accedere ai dati utente di gog.com
Ulteriori informazioni
- Link componente aggiuntivo
- Versione
- 1.2.1
- Dimensione
- 590,13 kB
- Ultimo aggiornamento
- 4 anni fa (29 gen 2021)
- Categorie correlate
- Licenza
- Mozilla Public License 2.0
- Cronologia versioni
Aggiungi alla raccolta
Altre estensioni di Gamake
- Non ci sono ancora valutazioni
- Non ci sono ancora valutazioni
- Non ci sono ancora valutazioni
- Non ci sono ancora valutazioni
- Non ci sono ancora valutazioni
- Non ci sono ancora valutazioni