Cronologia versioni di Image Max URL - 16 versioni
Image Max URL di qsniyg
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Ultima versione
Versione 2025.2.0
Rilasciato 4 feb 2025 - 1,18 MBCompatibile con firefox58.0 e successiveNew features:
* Regex replace support for format strings (#1398, thanks to musicianjam888 for the idea)
* Option to disable autoplay if current tab isn't active (#1399, thanks to Gooberpatrol66 for the idea)
* Support for ~70 new websites (using ~40 new rules)
* Various improvements/fixes to existing rules (including Flickr, Twitch, Reddit)
* Fill `caption` format variable for image alt tags (thanks to Dietz on discord for reporting)
* Fix backslash escapes breaking parsing for format strings
Special thanks to arlenestrigger, fyhtma, BlindWanda, chr1sx, James Joint, musicianjam888, Velocidensity, Egor Popov, Froktime, siloricity, Gooberpatrol66, Dietz, friedkeenan for their contributions and reports for this releaseCodice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Apache 2.0
Scarica Firefox e installa l’estensioneDevi utilizzare Firefox per poter installare questa estensioneVersioni precedenti
Versione 2024.12.0
Rilasciato 24 dic 2024 - 1,09 MBCompatibile con firefox58.0 e successiveImprovements:
* Various improvements/fixes to existing rules (including DeviantArt, Pinterest, YouTube)
* Support for ~155 new websites (using ~65 new rules)
* CLI can perform website requests
* Fix bad images preventing more than one fallback image from being tried
Special thanks to nimbuz, remlap, Solus, immewnity, Froktime, billkewl, Broly, fyhtma, vscum, acidzab, sn3akyb3ar, ValiumBear, fireattack, NeverForgotten, liamengland1, mantou, siloricity, adz, RAT, DoomTay, byjrg, Liz, azadandro, litterbox1, Earthworm-Banana for their contributions and reports for this releaseCodice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Apache 2.0
Versione 2024.8.0
Rilasciato 18 ago 2024 - 1,08 MBCompatibile con firefox58.0 e successiveNew features:
* Brazilian Portuguese translation by thiagojramos
* Add custom blacklist for HTML page redirects (#773)
* Support for ~200 new websites (using ~125 new rules)
* Various improvements/fixes to existing rules (including Flickr, iTunes, Patreon, Soundcloud, Spotify, Threads, TikTok, Tumblr)
* Improve parsing for <picture> elements
* Fix browser download replacing current page on non-same-origin URLs
* Fix GM_download headers for Tampermonkey and Violentmonkey
* Fix header parsing for Tampermonkey BETA (thanks to Broly for reporting)
Special thanks to thiagojramos, fireattack, nimbuz, Froktime, fyhtma, SakalliTavernaci, TheLastZombie, oifj34f34f, Solus, sn3akyb3ar, n0stal6ic, nyahgust, vscum, TristanWasTaken, BlindWanda, SUPER7X, n0099, remlap, CetaceanNation, bsydow, tathastu871, roi, ItsProyal, lazybookwyrm, James Joint, Machou, Broly, siloricity, ValiumBear, siloricity, evilxsloth, leoli1110, ljcool2006 for their contributions and reports for this releaseCodice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Apache 2.0
Versione 2024.3.0
Rilasciato 12 mar 2024 - 1,05 MBCompatibile con firefox48.0 e successiveNew features:
* Support for ~45 new websites (using ~30 new rules)
* Option to enable faster speeds on YouTube (disabled by default)
* Various improvements/fixes to existing rules (including SmugMug)
Special thanks to f2005, VS, Froktime, Viper33, barry, snek, fireattack, leoli1110, billkewl, TristanWasTaken for their contributions and reports for this releaseCodice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Apache 2.0
Versione 2024.2.1
Rilasciato 19 feb 2024 - 1,02 MBCompatibile con firefox48.0 e successiveNew features:
* Support for ~45 new websites (using ~25 new rules)
* Various improvements/fixes to existing rules (including Discord, SmugMug)
Special thanks to roi, rEnr3n, beeznutsonly, f2005, Froktime, neckothy, nimbuz, fireattack, Lerortle, barry for their contributions and reports for this releaseCodice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Apache 2.0
Versione 2024.2.0
Rilasciato 5 feb 2024 - 1,02 MBCompatibile con firefox48.0 e successiveNew features:
* Support for ~45 new websites (using ~35 new rules)
* Various improvements/fixes to existing rules (including TikTok, Tumblr)
* Fix crash when redirecting to blacklisted URLs
Special thanks to fireattack, aslian, remlap, uwuceo, TristanWasTaken, Froktime, karpuzikov, nimbuz, Shaggy, hosadokha, happysurf for their contributions and reports for this releaseCodice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Apache 2.0
Versione 2024.1.1
Rilasciato 25 gen 2024 - 1,01 MBCompatibile con firefox48.0 e successiveNew features:
* Support for ~25 new websites (using ~15 new rules)
* Various improvements/fixes to existing rules
* Significantly improve popup performance under YouTube when using uBlock Origin
* Fix a regression where alternate image URLs failed to load (thanks to posnipy for reporting)
Special thanks to Froktime, aslian, posnipy for their contributions and reports for this releaseCodice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Apache 2.0
Versione 2024.1.0
Rilasciato 22 gen 2024 - 1,01 MBCompatibile con firefox48.0 e successiveNew features:
* Option to add thumbnail link to history (#749, thanks to madman06 for the idea)
* Support for ~80 new websites (using ~40 new rules)
* Various improvements/fixes to existing rules (including Discord, Patreon)
* Fix remote messages failing under Firefox (thanks to Tulsow for reporting)
* Fix duplicate "Options" and "Request support for site" menu items for userscript (thanks to fireattack for reporting)
* Prevent rare infinite loop with bad images
Special madman06, nimbuz, Broly, Tulsow, jonestly, fireattack, TristanWasTaken, pointy, oifj34f34f, Viper33, vscum, karpuzikov, sn3akyb3ar, Froktime, neckothy, Harmony, watatomo for their contributions and reports for this releaseCodice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Apache 2.0
Versione 2023.12.0
Rilasciato 24 dic 2023 - 1,01 MBCompatibile con firefox48.0 e successiveNew features:
* "Custom Gallery" button, allowing you create galleries from picked images (disabled by default)
* Extension now supports all userscript-specific menu actions
* Option for a separate host blacklist (#773)
* Option to turn blacklists into whitelists (#302)
* Support for ~35 new websites (using ~20 new rules)
* Various improvements/fixes to existing rules (including BBC, Wordpress, TikTok)
* Fix SVGs not popping up under Firefox (#1243, thanks to Rasmus Malver for reporting)
Special thanks to nimbuz, vscum, karpuzikov, fireattack, ljcool2006, newuser999, Rasmus Malver, Harmony, schleeb, tacohitbox, Noober for their contributions and reports for this releaseCodice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Apache 2.0
Versione 2023.11.1
Rilasciato 27 nov 2023 - 1 MBCompatibile con firefox48.0 e successiveNew features:
* Support for ~15 new websites (using ~10 new rules)
* Fix endless loading cursor in some cases (thanks to fireattack and oifj34f34f for reporting)
Special thanks to jonestly, fireattack, karpuzikov, ljcool2006, meloner, oifj34f34f for their contributions and reports for this releaseCodice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Apache 2.0
Versione 2023.11.0
Rilasciato 16 nov 2023 - 1.023,81 kBCompatibile con firefox48.0 e successiveNew features:
* Support for ~60 new websites (using ~40 new rules)
* Various improvements/fixes to existing rules (including Cloudinary, Google, Nitter, Patreon, PeerTube)
* Significantly improve zip performance
Special thanks to sn3akyb3ar, fireattack, oifj34f34f, doio, Rotes!, ValiumBear, bigdiff, remlap, Flame, puddyplexer, Anon_Ymou5 for their contributions and reports for this releaseCodice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Apache 2.0
Versione 2023.10.0
Rilasciato 5 ott 2023 - 1.020,8 kBCompatibile con firefox48.0 e successiveNew features:
* Support for ~135 new websites (using ~100 new rules)
* Support for images stored within SVG tags (#268)
* Option to allow rules to be run under's Wayback Machine (disabled by default)
* Option to bypass CSP restrictions when loading 3rd-party libraries from the userscript (disabled by default)
* Various improvements/fixes to existing rules (including Flickr, Instagram, Reddit, Shopify, Snapchat, TikTok, Twitch)
* Fix delay on initial load when HLS/DASH stream quality is changed
* Fix subtitles for HLS/DASH streams
* Fix iframes crashing when the userscript is enabled on some websites (#1213, thanks to fireattack on discord for reporting)
* Fix bad URLs being ignored after the first try
* Fix parsing srcsets without candidate strings
Special thanks to Flame, TheOne, fyhtma, Tenome, Freso, IZeeLikeEyeZee, TristanWasTaken, sn3akyb3ar, remlap, fireattack, ValiumBear, sn3akyb3ar, desdesifre, karpuzikov, jonestly, Klewas for their contributions and reports for this releaseCodice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Apache 2.0
Versione 2023.8.0
Rilasciato 7 ago 2023 - 1.009,44 kBCompatibile con firefox48.0 e successiveNew features:
* Support ~550 new websites (using ~200 new rules)
* Option to toggle video subtitles (enabled by default)
* Option to control returning uncropped images (enabled by default)
* Userscript menu option to request support for a website
* Various improvements/fixes to existing rules (including Bing, DeviantArt, Imgur, Reddit)
* Fix audio/video redirects (#1050, thanks to MarvNC on github for reporting)
* Fix userscript under Guerilla Scripting (Pale Moon)
Special thanks to roi, jonestly, Puk0, sn3akyb3ar, pointydev, Adrthegamedev, karpuzikov, Broly, contextnerror, tathastu871, jedikalimero, allr8, vscum, aslian, eightyy8, fireattack, ayunami2000, TheLastZombie, Andy8r0X, MarvNC, talizea, kidonng, n0099, xyliaa, eighty8, JustLurkingHere, TristanWasTaken, ljcool2006, louthecute, f2005, Drflash55, Luke-L, meloner, Harmony, fyhtma, kooper100, InSimpleTermsJordan for their contributions and reports for this releaseCodice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Apache 2.0
Versione 2023.2.0
Rilasciato 22 feb 2023 - 936,21 kBCompatibile con firefox48.0 e successive2023.2.0
New features:
* Chinese (Mandarin) translation by coastline-echo and yfdyh000
* Option to toggle logging messages to console (enabled by default, thanks to Michael82548 for the idea)
* Option to disable Teddit images redirecting to Reddit (#910, disabled by default, thanks to 07416 for the idea)
* The userscript can now be used on the command line. Currently support is very basic, but improvements are planned for future releases
* Updated Russian translation (thanks to vanja-san)
* Various improvements/fixes to existing rules (including Bing, DeviantArt, Discord, Flickr, IMDB, Instagram, iTunes, Patreon, Reddit, Snapchat, Twitter)
* Support for pause/print screen/scroll lock keys (thanks to Afterpwn on discord for the idea)
* Versioning scheme has been modified to use dates instead of arbitrary version numbers
* Various bugfixes, many caught by the TypeScript compiler
* Ensure tooltip text color is always white (#849)
* Don't add highlight images style element when unneeded (#886, thanks to Stencil on discord for reporting)
* Fix unicode characters in filenames failing to download with extension (thanks to I Van on discord for reporting)
* Fix userscript for Violentmonkey >2.13.0.* (thanks to tophf, nimuxoha, brian6932)
* Fix check for GM.setValue (thanks to ROpdebee for noticing)
* Allow the userscript to initialize properly without GM.getValue support (thanks to ROpdebee for noticing)
Special thanks to DevWannabe-dot, yfdyh000, coastline-echo, vanja-san, jonestly, nimbuz, Noodlers, Liz, f2005, elvisef, MinuteAd8502, ayunami2000, Noodlers, robindz, KyuJuEX099, Michael82548, esdemirei, StarCrunchMuncher, Speedy, fireattack, remlap, fedesk, Broly, Afterpwn, rEnr3n, Qwerty, loucasal, 0x464e, dym-sh, Elexid, Shaggy, WmeLuna, Lumbago1337, Knifefed, coolhealer, contextnerror, Stencil, Chris, ggagagg, I Van, ROpdebee, NightSky, secret soup, lrcn80, Nguyen, decembre, CetaceanNation, NekoAlosama, doio, srinac, Steamarino, Michyrr, RolerGames, TheLastZombie, h-h-h-h, cbadoud, resentizised, tophf, brian6932, nimuxoha, Jabster28, aslian, Vuccala, BiZkViT, kellnerd, breadman, GTR8000, llacb47, Dasbnow, radam9, sn3akyb3ar, antiops, karpuzikov, roi, tathastu871, Drflash55, Kerobyte, BrandonKMLee, n0099, eightyy8, Luke-L, vscum, pointydev for their contributions and reports for this releaseCodice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Apache 2.0
Versione 0.19.5
Rilasciato 29 giu 2021 - 895,17 kBCompatibile con firefox48.0 e successiveNew features:
* Option to enable popup when fullscreened (disabled by default, thanks to ComedicFox for the idea)
* Options to change popup zoom behavior when held (unset by default, thanks to madman06 for the idea)
* Option to toggle redirection tooltip (enabled by default, thanks to DevWannabe-dot for the idea)
* Support for ~30 new websites (using ~15 new rules)
* Various improvements/fixes to existing rules (including Reddit)
* Galleries work again, fixing a regression since 0.19.3 (thanks to remlap for reporting)
* Popup buttons/mask will no longer trigger other mousedown handlers in the page (thanks to Noodlers for reporting)
* Prevent redirecting if source tab is video/audio and redirecting to/from video/audio is disabled (thanks to InSimpleTermsJordan for reporting)
* Fix audio/video detection for redirection (thanks to InSimpleTermsJordan for reporting)
* Fix HEAD requests not working properly with cache (#826, thanks to MinuteAd8502 for reporting)
Special thanks to MinuteAd8502, Noodlers, remlap, snek, InSimpleTermsJordan, Zui, madman06, DevWannabe-dot, Liz, nimbuz, ayunami2000, fedesk, fireattack for their contributions and reports for this releaseCodice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Apache 2.0
Versione 0.19.4
Rilasciato 17 giu 2021 - 893,34 kBCompatibile con firefox48.0 e successiveCodice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Apache 2.0