Cronologia versioni di Keyboard Shortcut for Tab Duplication - 5 versioni
Keyboard Shortcut for Tab Duplication di Patrick Dark
Cronologia versioni di Keyboard Shortcut for Tab Duplication - 5 versioni
Attenzione alle versioni datate. Sono visualizzate solamente per scopi di test e di riferimento.È raccomandato usare sempre l’ultima versione di un componente aggiuntivo.
Ultima versione
Versione 3.1.1resigned1
Rilasciato 25 apr 2024 - 26,17 kBCompatibile con firefox55.0 e successiveCodice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Scarica Firefox e installa l’estensioneDevi utilizzare Firefox per poter installare questa estensioneVersioni precedenti
Versione 3.1.0
Rilasciato 8 ago 2017 - 23,33 kBCompatibile con firefox55.0 e successive- Fixed a bug in which extension options were always being reset to default values. (Hat Tap: Geoffrey De Belie)
- Changed the manner in which extension options are stored; if a default value is specified, no storage is allocated for that option. (Previously, storage would be allocated for all extension options forever.)
- Refined both the appearance and behavior of the extension options UI.
- Refined Chinese localizations in both notifications and the extension options UI.
- Added an
manifest key to mitigate browser console warnings.
Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 3.0.1
Rilasciato 8 mag 2017 - 25,96 kBCompatibile con firefox53.0 e successive- Added localizations for simplified and traditional Chinese. Localization can be changed by installing locale‐specific versions of Mozilla Firefox and defaults to English if no localization is available for a locale.
- Added the extension’s icon to notifications.
- Added an options page for controlling notification behavior. Users may now disable notifications, disable (new) notification icons, modify notification duration, and reset the aforementioned options to default values.
Options utilize sync storage (as opposed to local storage) and will therefore synchronize across Mozilla Firefox installations for users using Firefox Sync with appropriate Sync preference enabled.
Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 2.0.1
Rilasciato 8 feb 2017 - 14,18 kBCompatibile con firefox42.0 e successive, android da 48.0 a 68.*- Made minor code fixes.
Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 2.0.0
Rilasciato 7 feb 2017 - 14,18 kBCompatibile con firefox51.0 e successive- Updated the extension to use the WebExtensions API. The XUL/XPCOM API that this extension previously relied on is scheduled to be retired with the release of Mozilla Firefox 57 which is tentatively scheduled for release on 2017–11–28.¹
- Due to use of the WebExtensions API, the extension can now be enabled and disabled without restarting the browser. Users of the previous version will nevertheless have to restart once to remove the old extension.
- Due to limitations in the WebExtensions API, the extension is now restricted to duplicating tabs with file‐, ftp‐, http‐, and https‐scheme URLs. In other words, the keyboard shortcut will have no effect on tabs with about‐, data‐, chrome‐, resource‐, or view-source‐scheme URLs or New Tab pages. A future update may restore some or all of this lost functionality if those limitations are removed.
- Tightened the behavior of the keyboard shortcut so that it no longer triggers tab duplication if a Ctrl, Meta, or Shift modifier key is being pressed in addition to the required Alt modifier key.
- Added notifications that will appear after duplicating a tab using the keyboard shortcut to make it clear why the new tab appeared. These notifications will automatically vanish after five seconds have elapsed.
- Replaced the stock, extension icon with an icon designed specifically for the extension.
Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0