Last.fm Scrobbler for YouTube di tlintspr
Scrobbling YouTube music videos to Last.fm
Devi utilizzare Firefox per poter installare questa estensione
Metadati estensione

Informazioni sull’estensione
Scrobbles songs and music tracks from YouTube to Last.fm.
This extension seemingly scrobble watched YouTube videos to the "Last.fm" service without visiting the site. Automatic scrobbling takes place 30 seconds after the music is played or at the end of the track if the track is less than 30 seconds. You can also manually scrobble the currently played song by pressing the count-down label.
Using this extension you can also like or dislike YouTube songs without the need to open the actual "Last.fm" website.
Note that to prevent unwanted scrobbling, the extension pauses the count down when the song is paused. Also, the scrobbling label, as well as the like button, only appears if you are watching a track in the "Music" or "Entertainment" categories. Of course, the user can extend categories to include localized names or completely remove category check.
Usage Instruction:
1. Install the extension
2. Open a YouTube music or refresh an existing music tab
3. Wait for the extension to show "Connect to Last.fm"
1. Supports Love/unlove tracks
2. Supports automatic artist name detection
3. Supports cleaning the track extra info
4. Supports manually modifying the track name or artist name (if the song doesn't get recognized)
Why do I need this extension?
If you enjoy watching music videos, this extension helps you to discover new musics.
This extension seemingly scrobble watched YouTube videos to the "Last.fm" service without visiting the site. Automatic scrobbling takes place 30 seconds after the music is played or at the end of the track if the track is less than 30 seconds. You can also manually scrobble the currently played song by pressing the count-down label.
Using this extension you can also like or dislike YouTube songs without the need to open the actual "Last.fm" website.
Note that to prevent unwanted scrobbling, the extension pauses the count down when the song is paused. Also, the scrobbling label, as well as the like button, only appears if you are watching a track in the "Music" or "Entertainment" categories. Of course, the user can extend categories to include localized names or completely remove category check.
Usage Instruction:
1. Install the extension
2. Open a YouTube music or refresh an existing music tab
3. Wait for the extension to show "Connect to Last.fm"
1. Supports Love/unlove tracks
2. Supports automatic artist name detection
3. Supports cleaning the track extra info
4. Supports manually modifying the track name or artist name (if the song doesn't get recognized)
Why do I need this extension?
If you enjoy watching music videos, this extension helps you to discover new musics.
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PermessiUlteriori informazioni
Questo componente aggiuntivo necessita di:
- Accedere ai dati utente dei siti inclusi nel dominio youtube.com
- Accedere ai dati utente di www.last.fm
- Accedere ai dati utente di ws.audioscrobbler.com
Ulteriori informazioni
- Link componente aggiuntivo
- Versione
- 0.2.3
- Dimensione
- 71,24 kB
- Ultimo aggiornamento
- 4 anni fa (10 gen 2021)
- Categorie correlate
- Licenza
- Mozilla Public License 2.0
- Cronologia versioni
Aggiungi alla raccolta
Altre estensioni di tlintspr
- Non ci sono ancora valutazioni
- Non ci sono ancora valutazioni
- Non ci sono ancora valutazioni
- Non ci sono ancora valutazioni
- Non ci sono ancora valutazioni
- Non ci sono ancora valutazioni