Cronologia versioni di Link Previewer - 8 versioni
Link Previewer di Kevin Karl Leaño
Cronologia versioni di Link Previewer - 8 versioni
Attenzione alle versioni datate. Sono visualizzate solamente per scopi di test e di riferimento.È raccomandato usare sempre l’ultima versione di un componente aggiuntivo.
Ultima versione
Versione 2.8
Rilasciato 14 mag 2022 - 1,95 MBCompatibile con firefox48.0 e successiveThis add-on will help you preview the content of a link by just hovering it. This will save you more time on browsing some sites when looking for something in the web.
New Version: 2.8
- Fixed the issue where the link previewer box gets obscured or appears outside the browser window when the link being previewed is located on the bottom or corner side of the browser.
- Added new size option for the link previewer box: "Responsive Size". The size will automatically adjust based on browser's current size.
- Added an option to save or not to save the previewed links to browser history.
- Improved the "Trigger Mode" feature. You can now assign a key button to trigger the link previewer box when using the "Manual" option. If not set, then the "SHIFT" button will be the default button.
Previous Version: 2.7
- Added "Autosave" feature in settings. All changes will now automatically be saved without the need of the "Save" button.
- Added "Instant" and "0.25 seconds" options in buffer time. You can now preview the link much quicker.
- Added "Trigger Mode" feature. You can now select if the link previewer box will appear by hover or pressing a key.
- Added "Pin on Preview" feature. The link previewer box will automatically pinned when previewing.
- Added "Disable Scroll on Preview" feature. You have the option to temporarily disable the browser scrolling feature when the link previewer box appears.
- Added "Screenshot on Preview" feature. The link previewer box will automatically screenshot it's content when previewing.
- Added "Blocklist" feature. You can now disable the add-on on specific websites.
- Added "Search Link" feature. You can now easily switch website to preview by just typing it's URL.
- Added "Shortcut Key" for closing the link previewer box. Just Press "ESC" button to close the link previewer box.
- Minor improvements in link previewer box UI.
- Minor fixes and improvements.
> Automatic or Manual (Pressing a Key, Customizable) Opening of Preview Window
> Website Security Detection (HTTPS/HTTP Connection Detection)
> Draggable Preview Window (No Limit Dragging)
> Resizable Preview Window (Flexible Sizes)
> Pinnable Preview Window (Automatic or Manual Pinning)
> Optionally Disable Browser Scroll While Previewing
> Easy-to-Close Preview Window (Default Hover Out, Press 'ESC' key, or Click 'Close' button)
> Preview Window Buffer Time (From 'Instant' up to '5' seconds delay)
> Easy-to-Activate/Deactivate (Easy Toggling)
> Mobile/Desktop/Large Desktop/Extra Large Desktop/Flexible Sizes
> Simple/Flat/Modern Styles
> Show/Hide Website URL
> Website Searching
> Website Content/URL Copier
> Website Content Refresher
> Website Content Screenshot (Automatic or Manual Screenshot)
> Website Blocklisting (Disable the Add-On on Certain Websites)
> Control Common Website Security Settings
More features to be implemented and improved to provide you with better functionality.Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Tutti i diritti riservati
Scarica Firefox e installa l’estensioneDevi utilizzare Firefox per poter installare questa estensioneVersioni precedenti
Versione 2.7
Rilasciato 9 mar 2022 - 1,95 MBCompatibile con firefox48.0 e successiveThis add-on will help you preview the content of a link by just hovering it. This will save you more time on browsing some sites when looking for something in the web.
New Version: 2.7
- Added "Autosave" feature in settings. All changes will now automatically be saved without the need of the "Save" button.
- Added "Instant" and "0.25 seconds" options in buffer time. You can now preview the link much quicker.
- Added "Trigger Mode" feature. You can now select if the link previewer box will appear by hover or pressing a key.
- Added "Pin on Preview" feature. The link previewer box will automatically pinned when previewing.
- Added "Disable Scroll on Preview" feature. You have the option to temporarily disable the browser scrolling feature when the link previewer box appears.
- Added "Screenshot on Preview" feature. The link previewer box will automatically screenshot it's content when previewing.
- Added "Blocklist" feature. You can now disable the add-on on specific websites.
- Added "Search Link" feature. You can now easily switch website to preview by just typing it's URL.
- Added "Shortcut Key" for closing the link previewer box. Just Press "ESC" button to close the link previewer box.
- Minor improvements in link previewer box UI.
- Minor fixes and improvements.
Previous Version: 2.6
- Removed "Anti-Scrolling" feature when previewing links, this feature have cause problem on some sites. The original scrollbar will retain while previewing links.
> Automatic or Manual (Pressing a Key) Opening of Preview Window
> Website Security Detection (HTTPS/HTTP Connection Detection)
> Draggable Preview Window (No Limit Dragging)
> Resizable Preview Window (Flexible Sizes)
> Pinnable Preview Window (Automatic or Manual Pinning)
> Optionally Disable Browser Scroll While Previewing
> Easy-to-Close Preview Window (Default Hover Out, Press 'ESC' key, or Click 'Close' button)
> Preview Window Buffer Time (From 'Instant' up to '5' seconds delay)
> Easy-to-Activate/Deactivate (Easy Toggling)
> Mobile/Desktop/Large Desktop/Extra Large Desktop/Flexible Sizes
> Simple/Flat/Modern Styles
> Show/Hide Website URL
> Website Searching
> Website Content/URL Copier
> Website Content Refresher
> Website Content Screenshot (Automatic or Manual Screenshot)
> Website Blocklisting (Disable the Add-On on Certain Websites)
> Control Common Website Security Settings
More features to be implemented and improved to provide you with better functionality.Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Tutti i diritti riservati
Versione 2.6
Rilasciato 3 dic 2021 - 1,95 MBCompatibile con firefox48.0 e successiveThis extension will help you preview the content of a link by just hovering it. This will save you more time on browsing some sites when looking for something in the web.
New Version: 2.6
- Removed "Anti-Scrolling" feature when previewing links, this feature have cause problem on some sites. The original scrollbar will retain while previewing links.
Previous Version: 2.5
- Added "FAQs" page.
- Added new size option for the link previewer box: "Extra Large Desktop".
- Added a placeholder screen while dragging or resizing the link previewer box. This is to prevent unexpected behavior while dragging or resizing the link previewer box.
- Minor fixes and improvements.
> Website Security Detection
> Draggable Preview Window
> Resizable Preview Window
> Pinnable Preview Window
> Easy-to-Close Preview Window
> Preview Window Buffer Time
> Easy-to-Activate/Deactivate
> Mobile/Desktop/Large Desktop/Extra Large Desktop/Flexible Sizes
> Simple/Flat/Modern Styles
> Show/Hide Website URL
> Website Content/URL Copier
> Website Content Refresher
> Website Content Screenshot
> Control Website Security Settings
More features to be implemented and improved to provide you with better functionality.Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Tutti i diritti riservati
Versione 2.5
Rilasciato 21 ott 2021 - 1,95 MBCompatibile con firefox48.0 e successiveThis extension will help you preview the content of a link by just hovering it. This will save you more time on browsing some sites when looking for something in the web.
New Version: 2.5
- Added "FAQs" page.
- Added new size option for the link previewer box: "Extra Large Desktop".
- Added a placeholder screen while dragging or resizing the link previewer box. This is to prevent unexpected behavior while dragging or resizing the link previewer box.
- Minor fixes and improvements.
Previous Version: 2.4
- Added "Resize" feature. You can now resize the size of the link previewer box.
- Added a loading screen while the website being previewed is still loading.
- Minor fixes and improvements.
- Able to detect a secured/non-secured (https or http connection) website.
- Allows you to drag or resize the link previewer box.
- Allows you to activate/deactivate the link previewer box without disabling the actual add-on.
- Allows you to change the time (0.5 to 5 seconds) before the link previewer box appears when hovering a link.
- Allows you to change the size of the link previewer box: "Mobile", "Desktop", "Large Desktop", and "Extra Large Desktop" sizes are available.
- Allows you to change the style of the link previewer box: "Simple", "Flat", and "Modern" styles are available.
- Allows you to show/hide the full URL of the link being previewed.
- Allows you to change the security settings for the link previewer box: "Allow Payment Requests", "Allow Forms to Run", "Allow Popups to Run", and "Allow Scripts to Run".
- Allows you to close the link previewer box without hovering out and in.
- Allows you to refresh the content of the website being previewed without hovering out and in.
- Allows you to copy the full URL or content of the website being previewed.
- Allows you to pin the link previewer box so you can scroll while the link previewer box retains.
- Allows you to take a screenshot of the website being previewed.
-- Screenshots may not be 100% accurate. If you need an accurate screenshot, just visit the website directly and use the default screenshot feature of your computer.
-- Screenshots may not work on some websites due to security restrictions.
More features to be implemented and improved to provide you with better functionality.Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Tutti i diritti riservati
Versione 2.4
Rilasciato 12 ott 2021 - 1,95 MBCompatibile con firefox48.0 e successiveThis extension will help you preview the content of a link by just hovering it. This will save you more time on browsing some sites when looking for something in the web.
New Version: 2.4
- Added "Resize" feature. You can now resize the size of the link previewer box.
- Added a loading screen while the website being previewed is still loading.
- Minor fixes and improvements.
Previous Version: 2.3
- Added "0.5 seconds" option in buffer time. You can now preview the link much quicker.
- Added more options in buffer time. You can now choose different timers for the link previewer box.
- Added "Close" feature. You can now close the link previewer box without hovering out.
- Added "Refresh" feature. You can now refresh the content of the website being previewed.
- Added "Copy URL" feature. You can now copy the URL of the website being previewed.
- Added "Copy Content" feature. You can now copy the content of the website being previewed.
- Added "Pin" feature. You can now pin the link previewer box to retain it's position while scrolling.
- Minor fixes and improvements.
- Can check if the link being previewed has a secured connection.
- Can show/hide the full URL of the link being previewed.
- Can activate/deactivate the link previewer box without disabling the actual extension.
- Can change the time before the link previewer box appears.
- Can change the size of the link previewer box: "Mobile", "Desktop", "Large Desktop" sizes are available.
- Can change the style of the link previewer box: "Simple", "Flat", and "Modern" styles are available.
- Can change the security settings of the link previewer box: "Allow Payment Requests", "Allow Forms to Run", "Allow Popups to Run", and "Allow Scripts to Run".
- Can move the position of the link previewer box by just dragging it.
- Can close the link previewer box without hovering out.
- Can refresh the content of the website being previewed.
- Can copy the URL of the website being previewed.
- Can copy the content of the website being previewed.
- Can pin the link previewer box to retain it's position while scrolling.
- Can take a screenshot of the website being previewed.
-- Screenshots may not be 100% accurate. If you need an accurate screenshot, just visit the website directly and use the default screenshot feature of your device.
-- Screenshots may not work on some websites.
More features to be implemented and improved to provide you with better functionality.Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Tutti i diritti riservati
Versione 2.3
Rilasciato 9 ott 2021 - 1,95 MBCompatibile con firefox48.0 e successiveThis extension will help you preview the content of a link by just hovering it. This will save you more time on browsing some sites when looking for something in the web.
New Version: 2.3
- Added "0.5 seconds" option in buffer time. You can now preview the link much quicker.
- Added more options in buffer time. You can now choose different timers for the link previewer box.
- Added "Close" feature. You can now close the link previewer box without hovering out.
- Added "Refresh" feature. You can now refresh the content of the website being previewed.
- Added "Copy URL" feature. You can now copy the URL of the website being previewed.
- Added "Copy Content" feature. You can now copy the content of the website being previewed.
- Added "Pin" feature. You can now pin the link previewer box to retain it's position while scrolling.
- Minor fixes and improvements.
Previous Version: 2.2
- Added "screenshot" feature. You can now take a screenshot of the website being previewed.
-- Screenshots may not be 100% accurate. If you need an accurate screenshot, just visit the website directly and use the default screenshot feature of your device.
-- Screenshots may not work on some websites.
- Fixed dragging issue where the link previewer box disappears when the mouse is quickly moved when dragging.
- Minor fixes and improvements.
- Can check if the link being previewed has a secured connection.
- Can show/hide the full URL of the link being previewed.
- Can activate/deactivate the link previewer box without disabling the actual extension.
- Can change the time before the link previewer box appears.
- Can change the size of the link previewer box: "Mobile", "Desktop", "Large Desktop" sizes are available.
- Can change the style of the link previewer box: "Simple", "Flat", and "Modern" styles are available.
- Can change the security settings of the link previewer box: "Allow Payment Requests", "Allow Forms to Run", "Allow Popups to Run", and "Allow Scripts to Run".
- Can move the position of the link previewer box by just dragging it.
- Can close the link previewer box without hovering out.
- Can refresh the content of the website being previewed.
- Can copy the URL of the website being previewed.
- Can copy the content of the website being previewed.
- Can pin the link previewer box to retain it's position while scrolling.
- Can take a screenshot of the website being previewed.
More features to be implemented and improved to provide you with better functionality.Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Tutti i diritti riservati
Versione 2.2
Rilasciato 4 ott 2021 - 1,85 MBCompatibile con firefox48.0 e successiveThis extension will help you preview the content of a link by just hovering it. This will save you more time on browsing some sites when looking for something in the web.
New Version: 2.2
- Added "screenshot" feature. You can now take a screenshot of the website being previewed.
-- Screenshots may not be 100% accurate. If you need an accurate screenshot, just visit the website directly and use the default screenshot feature of your device.
-- Screenshots may not work on some websites.
- Fixed dragging issue where the link previewer box disappears when the mouse is quickly moved when dragging.
- Minor fixes and improvements.
Previous Version: 2.1
- Minor fixes.
- Can check if the link being previewed has a secured connection.
- Can show/hide the full URL of the link being previewed.
- Can activate/deactivate the link previewer box without disabling the actual extension.
- Can change the size of the link previewer box: "Mobile", "Desktop", "Large Desktop" sizes are available.
- Can change the style of the link previewer box: "Simple", "Flat", and "Modern" styles are available.
- Can move the position of the link previewer box by just dragging it.
More features to be implemented and improved to provide you with better functionality.Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Tutti i diritti riservati
Versione 2.1
Rilasciato 27 set 2021 - 1,76 MBCompatibile con firefox48.0 e successiveCodice sorgente rilasciato sotto Tutti i diritti riservati