Cronologia versioni di Links for later - 9 versioni
Links for later di NietEenDoktor
Attenzione alle versioni datate. Sono visualizzate solamente per scopi di test e di riferimento.È raccomandato usare sempre l’ultima versione di un componente aggiuntivo.
Ultima versione
Versione 1.9.0
Rilasciato 28 giu 2019 - 169,88 kBCompatibile con firefox42.0 e successiveInternal change on how to get information about pages. Hopefully more stable and inclusive (meaning more websites should work) sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Scarica Firefox e installa l’estensioneDevi utilizzare Firefox per poter installare questa estensioneVersioni precedenti
Versione 1.8.3
Rilasciato 27 giu 2019 - 169,92 kBCompatibile con firefox42.0 e successiveRetry injecting script to get title and favicon of pages from private windows. Do this until the tab is destroyed or other errors pop up. sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 1.8.2
Rilasciato 26 giu 2019 - 169,79 kBCompatibile con firefox42.0 e successiveInternal patch to use a consistent method of storage --> local storage
This implies that options won't be synced anymore. sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 1.8.1
Rilasciato 25 giu 2019 - 169,69 kBCompatibile con firefox42.0 e successiveOne line fix that broke the addons because it was asking for an non-existent permission.
One line, folks... sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 1.8.0
Rilasciato 25 giu 2019 - 169,69 kBCompatibile con firefox42.0 e successiveAllow using a private window to get information about the saved link.
This will hopefully prevent extensions like Containerise, Facebook Container, Google Container, Firefox Multi-Account Containers, and similar extensions from interrupting the information gathering process (that means getting the title and favicon). sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 1.7.2
Rilasciato 27 mar 2019 - 88,32 kBCompatibile con firefox42.0 e successiveSmall internal changes:
- the opened tab collecting information about the page to save now knows the parent tab
- the container being used has a new name for each link being saved; context isn't shared anymore between multiple open links being savedCodice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 1.3.0
Rilasciato 4 feb 2018 - 53,71 kBCompatibile con firefox57.0 e successive, android da 48.0 a 68.*An attempt to get the title and icons of the saved pages using containers instead of incognito windows.
Incognito windows have a lot of protections against executing scripts, so for some pages executing the scripts to get the information about the page just didn't work. Containers seem to work better sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 1.2.2
Rilasciato 2 dic 2017 - 53,62 kBCompatibile con firefox42.0 e successive, android da 48.0 a 68.*An attempt is made to get titles and the favicon for the saved links more... patiently. Now we wait for a few seconds, all the while checking for the tab containing the saved link, to get the information.Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 1.2.1
Rilasciato 21 ott 2017 - 53,11 kBCompatibile con firefox42.0 e successive, android da 48.0 a 68.*It's a full web-extension now, so if you missed the other updates, you'll lose all your data. Update to the previous version, then this one.
Sadly, the web-extension version is worse than the previous version due to a limited API. In order to get the title and favicon of the link, a window with a tab has to be opened. Previously, this was done in the background, but had to be moved to the foreground, due to the aforementioned limitations.Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0