Cronologia versioni di MyQOnly - 16 versioni
MyQOnly di mike_conley
Attenzione alle versioni datate. Sono visualizzate solamente per scopi di test e di riferimento.È raccomandato usare sempre l’ultima versione di un componente aggiuntivo.
Ultima versione
Versione 0.10.0
Rilasciato 3 mar 2024 - 165,41 kBCompatibile con firefox62.0 e successive* There is now an option to ignore draft pull requests from GitHub. Thanks to Andrew Halberstadt for the patch!Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Scarica Firefox e installa l’estensioneDevi utilizzare Firefox per poter installare questa estensioneVersioni precedenti
Versione 0.9.1
Rilasciato 12 lug 2021 - 165,21 kBCompatibile con firefox62.0 e successive* Fixed an issue where setting an empty string as the list of ignored GitHub team repositories would cause all GitHub repositories to be hidden. Thanks to Andrew Halberstadt for the patch!Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 0.9.0
Rilasciato 21 mag 2021 - 165,16 kBCompatibile con firefox62.0 e successiveNew features:
* It's now possible to ignore a GitHub team repository by using just a substring of the URL. This means `mozilla-mobile/fenix` would skip reviews for that repo, and `mozilla-mobile` would skip reviews for that entire org. Thanks to Andrew Halberstadt for the patch!
* GitHub API tokens can now be set in the Options page for private repositories! Thanks to Justin Wood for the patch!
* The panel now links to for Phabricator reviews. This is more direct and less noisy than the full-blown Phabricator dashboard.
Bug fixes
* Fixed an issue where the "Include reviewer groups in badge count" setting wouldn't persist between browser restarts. Thanks to Aaron Klotz for the patch!
Fixed an issue where MyQOnly wouldn't count GitHub pull requests on ignored groups even if the user was requested directly. Thanks to Andrew Halberstadt for the patch!Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 0.8.3
Rilasciato 1 feb 2020 - 164,54 kBCompatibile con firefox62.0 e successive* Unchecking "Include reviewer groups in badge count" persists across restarts. Thanks to Aaron Klotz for the patch!Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 0.8.2
Rilasciato 23 gen 2020 - 164,51 kBCompatibile con firefox62.0 e successiveNew features
* It's now possible to filter out group reviews from your review count. Look for the "Include reviewer groups in badge count" checkbox in the Options interface. Thanks to Aaron Klotz for the patch!
Bug fixes
* Updated icons to meet new requirements on sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 0.7.1
Rilasciato 21 gen 2019 - 147,11 kBCompatibile con firefox62.0 e successive* Fixed the "activeRevisions is null" bug in the Phabricator test case debug tool.Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 0.7
Rilasciato 10 gen 2019 - 147,07 kBCompatibile con firefox62.0 e successiveNew features
* GitHub pull requests from yourself or specific teams can be filtered out. Thanks to thomcc for the patch!
Bug fixes
* Worked around a grammar issue for singular reviews / needinfos in the panel.
* If GitHub usernames or Bugzilla API keys are cleared after originally being set, doesn't attempt to query those services
* Improved some spacing in the Options interfaceCodice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 0.6.1
Rilasciato 3 dic 2018 - 146,84 kBCompatibile con firefox62.0 e successive* Needinfos can now be counted for Bugzilla. This is disabled by default.
* Warnings show up in the panel if no Phabricator session exists.
* Fixed a bug where some services would get the same IDs.Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 0.5.4
Rilasciato 22 nov 2018 - 75,53 kBCompatibile con firefox62.0 e successive* Skipped 0.5.3 due to an AMO upload snafu.
* Migrating the storage schema to increase flexibility for upcoming features.Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 0.5.2
Rilasciato 16 nov 2018 - 74,11 kBCompatibile con firefox62.0 e successive* Fixed the Bugzilla API key input so that it properly updates the configuration now.Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 0.5.1
Rilasciato 8 nov 2018 - 74,06 kBCompatibile con firefox62.0 e successive* Fixed the refresh button so that it actually refreshes the count by asking services for updated counts. How embarrassing!
* Added a minimum delay of 250ms to the refresh state in the popup. Thanks to jhirsch for the patch!Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 0.5
Rilasciato 5 nov 2018 - 74 kBCompatibile con firefox62.0 e successiveNew features
* Redesigned the panel. The panel now has a button to refresh the review count, as well as a shortcut to the add-on options page.
* Added working hours support. Choose which windows of time you want to be informed about your review queue. Thanks to jhirsch for the initial implementation!
Bug fixes
* Made the Bugzilla API key input a password field
* Added a simple, and hopefully unobtrusive new feature notification system. To be used sparingly.
* Added a very simple debugging tool for generating Phabricator test cases (hover your mouse over the bottom-right part of the options page).Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 0.4
Rilasciato 27 ott 2018 - 25,74 kBCompatibile con firefox62.0 e successive* Archived GitHub pull requests are no longer included in the final tallyCodice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 0.3
Rilasciato 17 ott 2018 - 25,73 kBCompatibile con firefox62.0 e successive* Added GitHub support (thanks thomcc!)Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 0.2
Rilasciato 6 ott 2018 - 25,15 kBCompatibile con firefox62.0 e successiveInstead of requiring Phabricator API keys, the add-on will attempt to use a pre-existing Phabricator session to get at the reviews dashboard.Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 0.1
Rilasciato 9 set 2018 - 25,23 kBCompatibile con firefox62.0 e successive, android da 62.0 a 68.*Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0