Pixel Storm in Astral Gold di Fatyanoor Ashfa
Simple dark pixel art theme with a golden accent
Devi utilizzare Firefox per poter installare questo tema
Metadati estensione
Altri temi di Fatyanoor Ashfa
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Informazioni sul tema
+ Simple dark theme in the color of deep space and gold accent
+ Original pixel art background
+ Elegant and easy on your eyes
Arranged using Firefox Color. Design inspired by Alpenglow themes and the game Hades.
If you have the time, please write a review! Your input is highly appreciated.
If you like my themes, please consider throwing in a few cents! I am a student and a hobbyist and your support, however small, would mean a lot to me.
+ Original pixel art background
+ Elegant and easy on your eyes
Arranged using Firefox Color. Design inspired by Alpenglow themes and the game Hades.
If you have the time, please write a review! Your input is highly appreciated.
If you like my themes, please consider throwing in a few cents! I am a student and a hobbyist and your support, however small, would mean a lot to me.
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Ulteriori informazioni
- Link componente aggiuntivo
- Versione
- 1.0
- Dimensione
- 11,81 kB
- Ultimo aggiornamento
- 4 anni fa (17 ago 2021)
- Categorie correlate
- Licenza
- Creative Commons Attribuzione-Non commerciale-Condividi allo stesso modo 3.0
- Cronologia versioni
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