Cronologia versioni di - 1 versione di Jack Knight
Cronologia versioni di - 1 versione
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Ultima versione
Versione 0.1.0
Rilasciato 10 nov 2022 - 248,34 kBCompatibile con firefox48.0 e successiveThe first published version of this add-on provides context menu items when the user right clicks on an image.
If the user has yet to set up their API key, there is only one context menu item imploring them to do so.
If the API key is setup, there are two context menu items which offer the user a choice between a low quality and high quality image with the background removed. The high quality images are paid, while low quality (aka "preview") images can be generated through the API up to 50 times per month, and then at 1/4th the cost of the higher quality images after that.Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Licenza MIT
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