Attenzione alle versioni datate. Sono visualizzate solamente per scopi di test e di riferimento.È raccomandato usare sempre l’ultima versione di un componente aggiuntivo.
Ultima versione
Versione 3.7.3
Rilasciato 4 mag 2024 - 150,01 kBCompatibile con firefox42.0 e successive- Firefox settings no longer disabled on the options page when in Firefox (#214)Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Licenza MIT
Scarica Firefox e installa l’estensioneDevi utilizzare Firefox per poter installare questa estensioneVersioni precedenti
Versione 3.7.1
Rilasciato 12 feb 2023 - 149,85 kBCompatibile con firefox42.0 e successive# 3.7.1
* Fix invalid default menu configuration
* Now notifies by default for successful downloads
* Fix light mode icon for last used menu item being white
* Refactor context menu creation, might help with #200
# 3.7.0
This update might require a change in your muscle memories. Previously all submenus of the same depth would have their shortcut keys increment even if they had different parents. That's now been fixed. Thanks,
If you want to use your old buggy shortcut again, use the new `(key: <VALUE>)` comment (eg, `menu // (key: 1)`), which will override the automatically-assigned shortcut with `1`.
* Reset accessKey count on every submenu. (#198, #199). Thanks @mfaizsyahmi!
* Add new meta comment to override accessKey
* Use white icon for previous entry in dark mode (#184)
* Add basic history to options page (#159)
It's been difficult getting motivation to work on save-in, especially with the poor code quality, stalled TypeScript changes, and impending v3 manifest changes. Sorry if I've disappointed anyone! I still have grand dreams of rewriting this extension to make it maintainable, but my energy is being and has been sucked up by $DAY_JOB!Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Licenza MIT
Versione 3.7.0
Rilasciato 10 feb 2023 - 149,66 kBCompatibile con firefox42.0 e successiveCodice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Licenza MIT
Versione 3.6.0
Rilasciato 19 mar 2022 - 143,27 kBCompatibile con firefox42.0 e successive* Add support for multiple `capture` clauses (#160, @MaddyKakkoHeart)Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Licenza MIT
Versione 3.5.3
Rilasciato 13 giu 2021 - 142,53 kBCompatibile con firefox42.0 e successive* Add "fetch via Fetch API" option for some incompatible sites (eg, Instagram) (#166)
* Upgrade webextension-polyfill to 0.8.0Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Licenza MIT
Versione 3.5.1
Rilasciato 21 dic 2019 - 142,31 kBCompatibile con firefox42.0 e successive# 3.5.1
* Fix text not visible in dark mode (#112)
* Fix some potential bugs with filename and source URL routing
* Fix dashes in aliases breaking download paths (#124)
* Fix separators in submenus not being treated as special directories (#117)
* Fix Click-to-save not working for middle and right mouse buttons (#116)
* Update sv localisation (#119, @Sopor)
* Update vendored mozilla/webextension-polyfill to 0.5
* Refactor `legacyDownloadInfo` out from code
Many thanks to everyone using this extension, and especially to all contributors and bug-reporters. I would like to apologise for the late update.Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Licenza MIT
Versione 3.5.0
Rilasciato 20 mag 2019 - 141,91 kBCompatibile con firefox42.0 e successive* Make options page support dark mode for Firefox (#112)
* Add unofficially (unsupported) onMessageExternal listener for use with other extensions such as Foxy Gestures (#110)
See wiki at sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Licenza MIT
Versione 3.4.1
Rilasciato 27 apr 2019 - 141,12 kBCompatibile con firefox42.0 e successiveThis is a minor update that mainly contains bugfixes for the Chrome version. This update is to maintain version parity across browsers.
* Add favicon to options page (#108)
* Various fixes for Chrome (#109, #66)Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Licenza MIT
Versione 3.4.0
Rilasciato 2 feb 2019 - 134,32 kBCompatibile con firefox42.0 e successive* Add option to always prefer links when downloading from pages that match a regex list of URLs (#100)
* Add notification option for when a link is downloaded instead of the source
* Add option to close tabs marked for saving (FF, #68)Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Licenza MIT
Versione 3.3.0
Rilasciato 27 dic 2018 - 133,31 kBCompatibile con firefox42.0 e successive* Add downloading of multiple highlighted tabs (FF63, #91)
* Enable access keys for Firefox >= 63 (#91)
* Add sv localisation by @Sopor- (#98, #99)Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Licenza MIT
Versione 3.2.0
Rilasciato 8 set 2018 - 128,17 kBCompatibile con firefox42.0 e successive, android da 48.0 a 68.** Add option to set `Referer` header on downloads, disabled by default. Requires new permissions. (#66)Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Licenza MIT
Versione 3.1.3
Rilasciato 5 ago 2018 - 126,8 kBCompatibile con firefox42.0 e successive, android da 48.0 a 68.** Add nl localisation (Thanks @80486dx, #72)
* Add menu item aliasing (#64)
To use this, put an `(alias: <display name="">)` in the comments for that line. For example:
cats // (alias: actually dogs)
* Add submenu support (#26)
To use this, add `>`s at the start of the line. For example:
* Fix export settings not exporting updated settings after changing them (#83)
* Improve checkmark styling in options page (#84)Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Licenza MIT
Versione 3.1.2
Rilasciato 5 ago 2018 - 126,78 kBCompatibile con firefox42.0 e successive, android da 48.0 a 68.** Add nl localisation (Thanks @80486dx, #72)
* Add menu item aliasing (#64)
To use this, put an `(alias: <display name="">)` in the comments for that line. For example:
cats // (alias: actually dogs)
* Add submenu support (#26)
To use this, add `>`s at the start of the line. For example:
* Fix export settings not exporting updated settings after changing them (#83)
* Improve checkmark styling in options page (#84)Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Licenza MIT
Versione 3.1.1
Rilasciato 5 ago 2018 - 126,73 kBCompatibile con firefox42.0 e successive, android da 48.0 a 68.** Add nl localisation (Thanks @80486dx, #72)
* Add menu item aliasing (#64)
To use this, put an `(alias: <display name="">)` in the comments for that line. For example:
cats // (alias: actually dogs)
* Add submenu support (#26)
To use this, add `>`s at the start of the line. For example:
```Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Licenza MIT
Versione 3.1.0
Rilasciato 5 ago 2018 - 126,62 kBCompatibile con firefox42.0 e successive, android da 48.0 a 68.** Add nl localisation (Thanks @80486dx, #72)
* Add menu item aliasing (#64)
To use this, put an `(alias: <display name="">)` in the comments for that line. For example:
cats // (alias: actually dogs)
* Add submenu support (#26)
To use this, add `>`s at the start of the line. For example:
```Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Licenza MIT
Versione 3.0.0
Rilasciato 26 lug 2018 - 115,31 kBCompatibile con firefox42.0 e successive, android da 48.0 a 68.** Add variables view to last download in options
* Fix routing failing in some cases (regression) (#80)
There is a major version bump because of a slight change in routing rule behaviour for Chrome. There is no change to Firefox.Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Licenza MIT
Versione 2.7.1
Rilasciato 19 lug 2018 - 107,23 kBCompatibile con firefox42.0 e successive, android da 48.0 a 68.** Include credentials when firing `HEAD` to grab Content-Disposition (Firefox)Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Licenza MIT
Versione 2.7.0
Rilasciato 14 lug 2018 - 107,18 kBCompatibile con firefox42.0 e successive, android da 48.0 a 68.** Add option to prefer links over media (#75)
* Use @Rob--W's Content-Disposition parser (#73)
* Add localisation hooks to most thingsCodice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Licenza MIT
Versione 2.6.2
Rilasciato 6 mag 2018 - 99,02 kBCompatibile con firefox42.0 e successive, android da 48.0 a 68.** Fix import settings on options page being totally broken
* Remove debug information and last download information from optionsCodice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Licenza MIT
Versione 2.6.1
Rilasciato 6 mag 2018 - 99,57 kBCompatibile con firefox42.0 e successive, android da 48.0 a 68.** Fix import settings on options page being totally brokenCodice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Licenza MIT
Versione 2.6.0
Rilasciato 28 apr 2018 - 99,5 kBCompatibile con firefox42.0 e successive, android da 48.0 a 68.** Add option to choose which mouse button to use for click-to-save (#60)
* Add autocomplete dropdown in options page (#63)Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Licenza MIT
Versione 2.5.4
Rilasciato 15 mar 2018 - 90,01 kBCompatibile con firefox42.0 e successive, android da 48.0 a 68.** Fix overzealous leading dot sanitisation when rewriting filenames (#61)Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Licenza MIT
Versione 2.5.3
Rilasciato 10 feb 2018 - 88,41 kBCompatibile con firefox42.0 e successive, android da 48.0 a 68.** Throttle saving tabs from tabstrip, might fix random bugginess when saving (#57)Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Licenza MIT
Versione 2.5.1
Rilasciato 3 feb 2018 - 88,28 kBCompatibile con firefox42.0 e successive, android da 48.0 a 68.** Option to save tabs from the tabstrip. Choose to save tabs to right, and tabs opened from another tab. Firefox only. (#57)Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Licenza MIT
Versione 2.5.0
Rilasciato 3 feb 2018 - 88,28 kBCompatibile con firefox42.0 e successive, android da 48.0 a 68.** Option to save tabs from the tabstrip. Choose to save tabs to right, and tabs opened from another tab. Firefox only. (#57)Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Licenza MIT