Smile & Say Cheese--Please di CollieSmile
Is anyone hoping to get a new camera for Christmas? Wear this Persona & the Santa in your life can't miss the hint! I photographed this camera ornament at Bronners, a large famous Christmas store in Frankenmuth Michigan. It was founded by Wally Bronner in 1945.There's a 50,000 item inventory. They have everything from giant Nativity Scenes to Santa Claus suits. I love the ornaments. They have lovely traditional ones in every size & color. They also have many unique ones. I spotted ballerinas, barbershop poles, baseballs, carrots, collies, Eiffel Towers, giraffes, gorillas (with bananas), ice cream cones, radios, radishes, rainbow trout, shamrocks & umbrellas. If you have an unusual hobby, chances are, you’ll find a related ornament. . Bronners has a permanent 27 acre outdoor colorful 100,000-light display. They have indoor displays all over the store-with every subject imaginable-even Halloween! There are over 800 animated figures. I visited there last July. They are open daily year round, except for Thanksgiving, New Years, Easter Sunday, & of course, Christmas. C0l1 {this Persona is for photographer BrianZ : D} An original Holiday design by CollieSmile
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- Versione
- 2.0
- Dimensione
- 151,06 kB
- Ultimo aggiornamento
- 6 anni fa (13 mag 2019)
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