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Ultima versione
Versione 3.2
Rilasciato 22 mag 2023 - 15,41 kBCompatibile con firefox48.0 e successive- Fixed a bug causing the duplicate tabs to be counted incorrectly.
- Added hiding the badge number when it is 0.Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Scarica Firefox e installa l’estensioneDevi utilizzare Firefox per poter installare questa estensioneVersioni precedenti
Versione 3.1
Rilasciato 21 mag 2023 - 15,42 kBCompatibile con firefox48.0 e successive- Updating description.Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 3.0
Rilasciato 21 mag 2023 - 15,37 kBCompatibile con firefox48.0 e successive- Added an option to display the duplicate tab count on the badge (instead of all tab count)
- Popup will now remember which tab you last had open.
- Added the search bar to the All tab and removed the Search tab (since the functionality was so similar)
- Renamed the Dups tab to Duplicates (since there is more room now that the Search tab is removed)
- Added a Clear Duplicates button to the Duplicates tab. This will clear all extra copies of tabs leaving the most recent tab from each group of duplicates.Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 2.4
Rilasciato 9 ott 2021 - 14,54 kBCompatibile con firefox48.0 e successiveNew Features:- Added an extra wide popup size and adjusted the other sizes
Bug Fixes:- Fixed a bug causing the tab list to not update when a tab is removed
- Removed tab list scrolling to the active tab when deleting a tab
Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 2.3
Rilasciato 9 ott 2021 - 14,48 kBCompatibile con firefox48.0 e successiveBug Fixes:- Reduced spacing between tabs so that more fit on screen
- Reduced the size of the icons so they match the font size better
- Reduced the size of the delete button so it matches the font size better
Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 2.2
Rilasciato 3 ott 2021 - 14,46 kBCompatibile con firefox48.0 e successive- Still trying to fix extra scrollbar showing up when it should not be
Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 2.1
Rilasciato 3 ott 2021 - 14,46 kBCompatibile con firefox48.0 e successiveNew Features:- Added an option to adjust the popup width
Bug Fixes:- Fixed the default value for the text size option not being selected properly
- Fixed the scrollbar shifting slightly when switching to the search tab
- Fixed icon alignment and added icon scaling with selected text size
- Fixed an issue where scrolling to the active tab was not working properly
Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 2.0
Rilasciato 3 ott 2021 - 14,16 kBCompatibile con firefox48.0 e successiveNew Features:- Added an options page
- Added an option to adjust the text size
- Added an option to change the badge color
- Added an option to change how duplicates are found
- Added an option to change how the search finds matches
- Tab list scrolls to the currently active tab on load
Bug Fixes:- Fixed a second scrollbar flickering onscreen when switching to the search tab
- Made the unloaded tab color a bit darker
- Made the popup a bit wider so you can see more of the tab name
- Fixed some icons being broken
Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 1.1
Rilasciato 26 set 2021 - 11,75 kBCompatibile con firefox48.0 e successive- Adjusted font size. (was too large)
- Tabs with no icon will no longer show a broken image.
- Adjusted vertical sizing so that it will not exceed the 600px size limit. (was showing a second scrollbar)
- Now shows gray text for tabs that are not loaded.
Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0
Versione 1.0
Rilasciato 25 set 2021 - 11,78 kBCompatibile con firefox48.0 e successiveInitial ReleaseCodice sorgente rilasciato sotto licenza Mozilla Public License 2.0