Where to Stream di Ion
Find out if a certain movie or TV show is available for streaming in your country.
Devi utilizzare Firefox per poter installare questa estensione
Metadati estensione
Informazioni sull’estensione
Find out if a certain movie or TV show is available for streaming in your country.
Chose your country, the streaming services of interest and some extra (optional) features (Notification popup, Similar movies and Rent & Buy options).
Go visit a movie's or a TV show's page on one of the following websites: IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic or Letterboxd.
A colored badge will be shown on the extension icon:
- 🟩 - streaming found.
- 🟨 - streaming found, but not on the streaming services you selected.
- 🟥 - no streaming found in your country. In this case, similar movies/TV shows will be displayed, if that option was selected.
If you selected the Notification popup in the Settings tab, a popup with the results will show up in the top right corner.
There are currently 44 countries covered by the extension. Please check the dropdown in the Settings tab to see if your country is included.
If you have any feedback or suggestion, please let us know.
This product uses the TMDb API but is not endorsed or certified by TMDb.
The source of the data for the streaming services is provided by JustWatch.
The icon is made by Smashicons from www.flaticon.com.
Chose your country, the streaming services of interest and some extra (optional) features (Notification popup, Similar movies and Rent & Buy options).
Go visit a movie's or a TV show's page on one of the following websites: IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic or Letterboxd.
A colored badge will be shown on the extension icon:
- 🟩 - streaming found.
- 🟨 - streaming found, but not on the streaming services you selected.
- 🟥 - no streaming found in your country. In this case, similar movies/TV shows will be displayed, if that option was selected.
If you selected the Notification popup in the Settings tab, a popup with the results will show up in the top right corner.
There are currently 44 countries covered by the extension. Please check the dropdown in the Settings tab to see if your country is included.
If you have any feedback or suggestion, please let us know.
This product uses the TMDb API but is not endorsed or certified by TMDb.
The source of the data for the streaming services is provided by JustWatch.
The icon is made by Smashicons from www.flaticon.com.
Commenti dello sviluppatore
It might take several days until recently added movies to a streaming service will appear in the results.
Valuta la tua esperienza utente
Sostieni lo sviluppatore
Sostieni il mantenimento e l’aggiornamento di questa estensione con una piccola donazione allo sviluppatore.
PermessiUlteriori informazioni
Questo componente aggiuntivo necessita di:
- Accedere ai dati di tutti i siti web
Ulteriori informazioni
- Link componente aggiuntivo
- Versione
- 1.5
- Dimensione
- 59,35 kB
- Ultimo aggiornamento
- 4 anni fa (29 apr 2021)
- Categorie correlate
- Licenza
- Solo GNU General Public License v2.0
- Cronologia versioni
Aggiungi alla raccolta
Note di versione per la versione 1.5
Error handling
Altre estensioni di Ion
- Non ci sono ancora valutazioni
- Non ci sono ancora valutazioni
- Non ci sono ancora valutazioni
- Non ci sono ancora valutazioni
- Non ci sono ancora valutazioni
- Non ci sono ancora valutazioni