EyeBankWeb Plugin Adapter
This add-on allows FireFox to call the locally installed IrisGuard EyeBank APIs using native messaging, giving the user full functionality of all IrisGuard EyeBank APIs calls such as capturing iris images and doing a recognition.
284 utenti
Mutable - Customizable Content Filtering
Improve your browsing experience by muting keywords across the web! Now open source!
282 utenti
A todo addon which lets you to keep a track of your work, stays in browser and available on just a click. Add your tasks with a click or just enter, mark them done, or remove it from list.
282 utenti
Outlook Web Enhancement
Make your email experience better with visual improvements such as removing advertisement messages and unnecessary clutter.
280 utenti
Cookie manager
Manage cookies for any webpage via an stylish popup window
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Allows you to copy content from sites with copy-protection.
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Tabs Import
Imports URLs from a text file and opens them in the browser
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Visual Tabs
Shows tabs as thumbnails in sidebar.
279 utenti
Tab Colors
Selects a random color for each tab and displays the color while the tab is active. You can customize the colors to your liking and also set specific colors for websites.
278 utenti
Toolbar Clock
Stylish analog clock for your browser toolbar.
278 utenti
Learn Japanese each time you open a new tab.
278 utenti
لایو تیاسای | Livetse
TseLive plugin is a professional and user-friendly tool that displays Tehran Stock Exchange reading information online. تابلوخوانی سهام بورس با افزونه لایو تی اس ای
277 utenti
Youtube Shorts Block
An Open Source extension that Blocks YouTube Shorts
277 utenti
Hide ads posts from Tumblr dashboard when scrolling down
275 utenti
Adds a switch to toggle auto replay of the current YouTube video
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YouTube Shorts Remover/Blocker
A Firefox extension to hide/block YouTube Shorts, enabling a more streamlined browsing experience on YouTube by removing the Shorts section.
274 utenti
Flickr Fixr
Show photographer's albums on photostreams, Control speed of slideshows, Photographer's other photos by tag-links, Links to album-map & album-comments, Actually show geotagged photos on the associated map (or Google Maps), Top-pagination, and more...
274 utenti
Clarity for Arabic script text
274 utenti
Hide Fixed Elements
Adds a button which can be clicked to make "fixed" elements (that is, headers/footers/sidebars that stay stuck to one part of the window) disappear, opening up more space to view the page content.
273 utenti
Disney+ Skipper
Automatic skips the intro, summary & automatically plays the next episode on fullscreen on Disney+.
272 utenti
Old Google
Replaces the current Google logo on google.com and the search page to use the old 2010 – 2013 logo.
271 utenti
Darker Jupyter
Dark Mode for Jupyter Notebooks
271 utenti
Peek: Preview PDFs, Office files, and more
Preview documents, videos, music, and more with a mouse hover.
271 utenti
Google.co.jp search
Google.co.jp での検索を追加します。
270 utenti
V2EX Polish
专为 V2EX 用户设计,提供了丰富的扩展功能。
270 utenti