Adds hour part of clock to your Toolbar. No permissions required.
217 utenti
1)拦截百度广告,包括搜索、贴吧、知道、新闻在内的所有百度产品线。 2)禁止百度统计采集用户访问记录(对所有安装了百度统计代码的网站均可自动屏蔽)。
217 utenti
VeloViewer Plugin for Strava
Additions to Strava website to provide helpful links and features for VeloViewer.
216 utenti
Wikiwand 2
Redirects all requests to wikipedia to wikiwand to improve user experience
216 utenti
Download and scrape e926/e621 pools and etc.
216 utenti
WaspLine Reader
Make reading faster and easier by applying color gradients to the text
215 utenti
Markdown Diagrams
Renders diagrams and charts code blocks into preview images. Supports many languages: PlantUML, Mermaid, C4, GraphViz, Erd, Nomnoml, BPMN, *Diag, Bytefield, Ditaa, Svgbob, UMlet, Vega, Vega-Lite, WaveDrom.
215 utenti
Proper Menubar for Firefox
Add the best menu bar to get easy and fast access to all your useful browser options and internet products!
214 utenti
Fallen London Favourites
Fork of an unofficial Fallen London extension to quickly choose favourite branches
214 utenti
YouTube Spacebar Pause
Pauses YouTube Videos with Spacebar, Focussed or not. If you want to scroll comments via Spacebar, simply click on a comment and start scrolling.Pressing space button doesn't stop video when the focus is on like or subscribe button.
214 utenti
Swimlanes for Trello
Support arranging Trello lists into horizontal swimlanes. To start a new swimlane, just add a swimmer emoji to a list's header.
213 utenti
[STG plugin] Create new group
Create new group in extention Simple Tab Groups
213 utenti
Hide Tabs (Panic Button)
Easily hide and restore all open tabs with click of a button.
213 utenti
Nord Est
Un module à des fins éducatives pour visualiser les articles réservés aux abonnés non protégés sur <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>, <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>, <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
211 utenti
Item Price History - LeBonCoin
Extension permettant d'afficher l'ancien prix d'un objet sur le site LeBonCoin
211 utenti
GoogleDocs Dark Canvas
Altera a cor da canvas do GoogleDocs.
211 utenti
Automatically mutes each new tab the instant it is opened.
210 utenti
Yet, just another json content viewer plugin for Firefox. Before using, you should go to the "about:config" page and toggle the "devtools.jsonview.enabled" to false first.
210 utenti
210 utenti
QR code tab URL
Adds a button in address bar and show URL from current tab as QR code
210 utenti
New Tab Redirect
Any website in a new tab page. This add-on automatically opens your website every time you open a new tab in your browser.
209 utenti
Select and remove annoying or unnecessary elements from a page. Great for printing and readability.
209 utenti
font infos
An extention to show/inspect text fonts in an easy way. Show and check different info about the font.
209 utenti
9GAG NSFW Unblocker
Bypass blocked nsfw 9gag images with one click!
209 utenti
YouTube Playlist Sorter (A-Z)
YouTube playlists in the playlist selection modal (and formerly playlists in the sidebar) are automatically sorted in alphabetical order.
209 utenti