A chrome extension that adds a colored border around websites that match user inputted preferences.
91 utenti
Hide Scrollbar
Hide webpage scrollbar for minimalist. Focus site contents. Easy to use, just install, no settings. スクロールバーを隠します。シンプルなものがお好きな方向け。
91 utenti
Window Resize
调整浏览器窗口为预设的指定大小! Resizes the browser window to match customizable dimensions
91 utenti
RDF Browser
Request RDF files and render RDF files as Turtle documents with clickable links
91 utenti
Annotating the Web
Add-on, by <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/2b6440f24745020f08ca0848ab84748dffa7d1a990c2f579897d94ceb74fe002/http%3A//Mediamaster.eu" rel="nofollow">Mediamaster.eu</a>, to easily add annotation functionality to any webpage
91 utenti
Screensaver Firefox Addon from Screensaver.Best with 20+ Screensaver Animations
91 utenti
The tool to overlap your website layout with a grid.
91 utenti
Hindi (Devanagari) fonts package
-Devanagari (Hindi) script fallback fonts for Firefox (Android edition) Addon installs -Devanagari font (Lohit-Devanagari.ttf / woff under SIL OFL 1.1 license) that enables proper rendering of Devanagari fonts in all website
91 utenti
Improvements for Vulcan
Improves eduVULCAN and Dziennik Vulcan services to make them more less painful to use (especially for mobile users)
91 utenti
Applies the oneko.js port of xneko/oneko to all pages when opened.
91 utenti
Youtube Tabs
Group and organize your Youtube subscriptions in the Youtube UI
91 utenti
91 utenti
"Wikidata for Firefox" is a browser extension that allows users to easily access information from Wikidata while browsing the web.
91 utenti
Board Game Arena (BGA) Extension
Manage your games in progress, and add many visual enhancements (dark mode, etc.).
90 utenti
Google Translator English Vietnamese
Google Translator English-Vietnamese search tool
90 utenti
Copy Page Title (WebExtension)
Copy the title of the page.
90 utenti
Old Reddit Sidebar Toggle
Toggles visibility for Reddit's sidebar ("<a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/d613ac6f1e810cb84d22fb73d71bcee20261111b03bca28c0892071be47c0f2f/http%3A//old.reddit.com" rel="nofollow">old.reddit.com</a>" ONLY)
90 utenti
Desktop Wikipedia
Redirects mobile Wikipedia pages to desktop Wikipedia.
90 utenti
Chzzk Adblocker
치지직 광고차단
90 utenti
SuperStart New Tab Page
A Firefox Extension that lets you create a customized Start Page Experience
90 utenti
Github Whitespace Disabler
Force Github to open diff pages without whitespace changes displayed. Inspired by: <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/aea35c0272b33e61a8ac967d291ebcebea2adf23b5f87f740da6fad449881df3/https%3A//github.com/kemo/github-whitespace-disabler">https://github.com/kemo/github-whitespace-disabler</a>
90 utenti
Shopping Assist
By comparing prices from various e-shops(like amazon,ebay,walmart...) you will find best price for your desired product.
90 utenti
Dynamic Zoom
Dynamically adjusts the zoom level based on the width of the browser window to prevent the website from reflowing every time the window is resized.
90 utenti
Lichess Custom Themes, Boards - LichessHelper
Secure | 2025 | Setup new themes, pieces, fonts, and boards, remove annoying notifications, popups, and so on.
90 utenti
Hulu Shadow Be Gon'
Disables hulu's damn shadow effect
90 utenti