1-Click Shorten URL
Click to shorten any URL with one click.
150 utenti
Send web articles to Kindle
Send web articles, Twitter threads and newsletters to Kindle.
149 utenti
Image gallery
Extension that allows to save the links of images, they can be previewed from the gallery (pop-up) and from there, the links of the images can be opened in a new tab, copied to the clipboard or removed from the gallery.
148 utenti
Tab Grenade
Puts all your tabs into a list, freeing memory without losing any information. Open-Source and very lightweight. Click the icon or press Ctrl-Alt-T/Cmd-Option-T to "grenade" the tabs.
148 utenti
Organize tabs into workspaces.
148 utenti
Watch Later Shortcut for YouTube™
Add and remove the current video from the Watch Later list using a keyboard shortcut.
147 utenti
Save your groups of tabs so you can restore them later in a new window. You can edit saved tabs groups by adding, deleting or changing the url for each tab.
147 utenti
Save Private Tabs
"Save all your Private Windows." This extension allows you to save, delete or open all your tabs or only one at a time from your "Saved tabs" list, export and import sessions. All your data is saved locally.
147 utenti
Trotto go links
This extension makes Trotto "go links" work seamlessly in Firefox.
145 utenti
Container Bookmarks
Open bookmarks in multi-account containers
142 utenti
Bookmark Detector
Detects and removes duplicate bookmark on add and shows a notification about it.
141 utenti
Url Shortener
Basta fare clic sull'icona della nostra estensione sulla barra degli strumenti per abbreviare l'URL della pagina corrente con il servizio di abbreviazione url di TinyURL.com.
140 utenti
Most efficient way to take & share time-stamped notes while watching videos!
140 utenti
Read with Instapaper
Read Now with Instapaper to remove ads and distractions from web pages and focus on your reading; or Read Later to put away tabs and web pages for when you’ve got the time for reading.
137 utenti
Window Saver
Quickly save all tabs in a browser window into a bookmark folder. Saved windows can be restored deleted or reordered from within the extension's UI. Plays nice with the usual tools/options to sync, export, or edit bookmarks.
137 utenti
demado - 出窓
135 utenti
Watch Later
Allows you to add any video to the list of "to watch" in easy way. Watch Later allows you to save title, link to the video and time when you stopped watching video. Supports autofill data for YouTube.
133 utenti
archive.is Button
Adds archive.is button button to the toolbar
133 utenti
Save and Organize with Clipix
Clipix is an unbelievably useful tool that lets you save and organize everything you care about.
132 utenti
Elimina Cronologia del Dominio Pagina Corrente
Elimina la cronologia di navigazione e i Cookie del dominio della pagina corrente.
131 utenti
OneTab Plus
Risparmia fino al 95% di memoria riducendo il carico della CPU e riducendo l'ingombro delle schede.
130 utenti
Popup for Google Tasks
Opens Google Tasks in a popup window
130 utenti
SplitUp! - Tab manager
Have fun organizing & saving your tabs & windows with the ultimate Tab Manager. The add-on supports Dark Mode, Multiscreen support and much more.
130 utenti
AliExpress.com Кнопка
Кнопка быстрого перехода на сайт AliExpress.com. Удобный аддон для Firefox. На AliExpress можно приобрести много различных китайских товаров по доступной цене.
128 utenti
iCloud Manager
Switch to iCloud Dashboard with a single click or customizable keyboard shortcuts!
127 utenti