Bulk Bookmark Manager (beta)
Simple bookmark manager with bulk selection and deletion capabilities
3 utenti
Adds a browser action icon to the toolbar. Click the button to choose your own travelling companion. The active tab's body content is then replaced with a web-page to book your travelling Transport.
3 utenti
launch bookmarks based on rules.
3 utenti
Articut 法學資料檢索助理
Articut 法學資料檢索助理:搭配『司法院法學資料檢索系統』使用,幫您快速標出法律相關重點!
3 utenti
Google Calendar Checker (di Google)
Usa uno dei tuoi calendari per controllare rapidamente quanto manca alla prossima riunione. Fai clic sul pulsante per accedere al calendario.
3 utenti
Save and Restore Tabs
A Firefox extension to save and restore tabs
3 utenti
ToChunkA Smart Tabs
Organizes a heap of tabs and bookmarks in a smart - easy to read way.
3 utenti
Bookmark Labeller
Label bookmarks with your favourite emojis
3 utenti
Quick Notes
A note-taking extension where users can quickly jot down ideas and save them for later.
3 utenti
Dieses Add-on ermöglicht es Ihnen, die Unterseiten von Briefform.de mit einem Klick zu öffnen. Sie können schnell und einfach Briefe, E-Mails, Faxe und mehr erstellen und versenden.
3 utenti
Search Links Scraper
Extension that parses/collects links founded by search engines: Google, Yandex, Bing, DuckDuckGo into a file.
3 utenti
Smart Clippy
Copies tab title and URL to clipboard in the markdown hyperlink style.
3 utenti
Scroll Keeper
Save and restore scroll position on the current page.
3 utenti
Shared knowledge base to learn with the world together.
3 utenti
Cookie Watcher
Cookie Watcher keeps a watchful eye on cookies within the active tab, providing users with valuable insights into their browsing data.
3 utenti
Dorks CheatSheet
A Firefox extension that provides list of dorks for Google at the moment. Other engines in TODO list
3 utenti
UpEnd Companion
A database for the complex, the changing, and the indeterminate.
3 utenti
BetterServ (Unofficial) Enhances the look of you schools "IServ" Website by injecting CSS and JavaScript code. It has to access all webpages, so every user can provide their own IServ webpage. Dark Theme only for now.
3 utenti
YouTube Comments Timestamps
Enhance YouTube with the 'Comments TimeStamp' extension! Easily navigate videos using time stamps from comments and quick keyboard shortcuts (Alt + Q/W)."
3 utenti
45书签页 自定义导航页 DIYTab标签专属轻量游览器起始页中文Chat AI
45新标签页(简称DIYTab标签页、自定义导航页)个性自创!,简约导航,予你分享!自定义您新标签页上的导航卡片、趣玩性空间大、内置精美壁纸及搜索引擎,创建、编辑及分享属于您自己的浏览器标签页,美化您的浏览器主页与45新标签页!可高度自定义的书签桌面化管理工具;集成 图标手动排序、大文件夹、动态壁纸,并提供了 Chat AI、天气、日历、待办、倒计时等诸多精美导航小组件,更多功能正在开发中请敬请期待!
3 utenti
Save your links
3 utenti
Convert To Popup
Converts the current tab or link to a popup window
3 utenti
Sessions (Sidebar)
Save tabs and restore them from text file
3 utenti
Live Search Bookmarks
Click the button to live search your bookmarks.
3 utenti
New Tab Page Dashboard
Manage your browser experience with a clean dashboard easily and without clutter!
3 utenti