Canada Job - Track jobs in a Sheets
A grabber retrieves the Canadian job listings into a Google Spreadsheets for easy applying and tracking
2 utenti
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Link rot is a real problem but manual archiving is not any solution either. This extension works in the background, listening to bookmark events and requests wayback machine to save those links.
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slim Bookmarks
Add a button to popup any bookmarks folder. By default settings the bookmarks toolbar pops up.
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shorten the URL
Convert the selected URL or pointing anchor text or current location URL to shortened URL from right click.
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Sync bookmarks to disk
Sync bookmark to disk is an extension that sends all your bookmarks to an external application every time they are modified. This can be used to build auto-complete lists for Alfred for example.
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Shiori extension
This extension allow you to create new bookmarks into shiori.
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DFe - Informações da Chave de Acesso ao selecionar. Substituindo os números(ChaveAcesso) pela descrição detalhada da informação (útil para identificação do tipo de documento) .
2 utenti
Tabs to Clipboard
Adds a browser action icon that joins every active tab URL into a single string and copy to clipboard.
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Find it!
Handy context menu search.
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Show comments on Hatena::Bookmark.
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Rank Boostup002
Allows you to browse uninterrupted on our traffic partner sites
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Lighthouse Web Extension
Lighthouse - Inbox zero for RSS. Combines RSS and newsletter following with read-it-later and bookmarks.
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SurfTanStag is a security extension designed for FireFox. It focuses on protecting you from phishing attacks and preventing malware from infiltrating you
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Create Notes & Notebooks from anywhere on the web
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Wheels On Roll
This extension will tell you about cycles
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BitSec Tab/URL Manager
This add-on will allow you to easily manage your URL's. Create a profile with the open tabs or create a profile with the open tabs or open a premade tab collection by clicking on the name.
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+1 link Extension
Add links to
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Inbound for Reddit
Access your reddit saved links directly from your Firefox library
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D219 Faculty/Staff Resources
A popup showing D219 faculty/staff resources
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Castor - Colete texto mais rápido que nunca
Permite a você coletar textos de sites, blogs, notícias e de diversos sites.
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Homeschool Stash Extension
Manage your homeschool resources like a boss.
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Automatically pin and autostart specific tabs
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Gagnez en productivité, épargnez la planète. Avec Bookmarker, personnalisez et regroupez instantanément vos bookies par dossier, ciblez rapidement vos adresses préférées ou partez à l'assaut du web grâce aux moteurs de recherche.
1 utente
Moodle Setter for ETH
Sets the organization to "ETH" on all moodle login sites.
1 utente