JoyReactor Visitor
Розширення приховує вже переглянуті пости на joyreactor, тим самим дозволяючи не пропустити годноту.
200 utenti
App for IW
An easy-to-use and lite App for Instagram
199 utenti
网文摘手是一个网络收藏工具。 安装网文摘手插件后,就可以将你想保存的好文章、好图片保存到自己的个人图书馆中!
197 utenti
Slick Write
Take your writing to the next level.
197 utenti
WaspLine Reader
Make reading faster and easier by applying color gradients to the text
195 utenti
Allows you to quickly navigate to or copy the canonical version of the URL you're on, if available.
195 utenti
Affilitizer highlights advertisers with affiliate programs within Google Search result pages and in the address bar.
194 utenti
Headline Cleaner
Muuta klikkiotsikot faktapohjaisiksi ja informatiivisiksi
194 utenti
The Archiver
Save Pages to Wayback Machine & through a context menu. Supports these contexts: pages, images and links.
194 utenti
A transparent toot fetcher for Mastodon. Loads missing replies to boosted toots in your feed directly from the source server. Make sure you set your home instance(s) in preferences to start using this!
193 utenti
Un'app per fotocamera che ti consente di scattare foto e selfie, registrare video e animazioni GIF da una webcam.
190 utenti
JoJo Wiki Redirector
Redirects requests to
190 utenti
移除 CSDN 博客页面杂乱信息,专注于内容阅读,提升阅读体验
189 utenti
Enter any URL to preserve it forever.
189 utenti
Save URL to Wayback Machine
This Firefox addon will add a new item to the context menu and the toolbar menu, allowing you to save the current webpage to the Wayback Machine or
189 utenti
Mark my Word - Web Highlighter
Highlight text on any website on desktop and mobile with the Mark my Word browser extension for Firefox. Export the highlights to your favorite note-taking tool and keep what is important to you.
189 utenti
188 utenti
Week Ly - Week number
This app shows you the current Week! -Tool tip shows current week -Click to show a random quote.
188 utenti
Medium Free with Google Cache
Medium articles fully readable using Google Cache
188 utenti
IMDB Search
Search IMDB, from any web page, for selected text. Go direct to the most likely entry. Optionally go to a section e.g. Episode List
187 utenti
183 utenti
Basketball Box Scores
The best NBA browser extension with box scores, standings, highlights and more! Providing a clean and unique way to experiences box scores with a single click on the basketball icon!
182 utenti
Search Highlighter
Search and highlight keywords in any page via toolbar popup.
182 utenti
PayWall Blocker versteckt lästige Artikel, auf den Übersichtsseiten von großen deutschen Online Magazinen und Zeitungen, die hinter einer PayWall liegen.
182 utenti
Full Picture: analyze articles with ChatGPT
Read faster, understand better, research deeper: use ChatGPT to summarize, explain, check bias and get insights on news and articles.
181 utenti